Habib Mod 1.0 PS3 Homebrew Application XMB Mod - мод XMB меню от Хабиба
Скачать - Habib Mod 1.0 (UP0001-XMBMANPLS_00-0000000000000000.pkg - 17.51 MB)
Hey everyone i created a little mod for you guys.
Spoof 4.46 CFW with In-Game Screenshot Spoof 4.46 Rebug REX with In-Game Screenshot (don't do this in rebug mode) Cinavia disable for 4.50 CFW Change xmb wave Remove ipf and app_home
1. Mysis 2. boredkid (xmb wave) 3. XMBM+ Team
I hope you enjoy it. There you can select what suits you.
Basically what it does is,it encrypts iso modules (needed for cfw creation!) with its respective indiv seeds of eid.now normal people can do amazing things.i first posted this on psx-scene but with not much details.SO HERE IT GOES WITH SRC!!!!
A short NOTE:the keys should be only edited with notepad++ to save its formating or you might get errors(latest keyset included!)
FOR N00BS: you can also use scetool --template spu_token_processor.self(original self) --sce-type=SELF --encrypt spu_token_processor.elf(modified elf) spu_token_processor.self(output modified self)
1. naehrwert 2. my friend anonymous dev
1. Fixed makefile 2. Added indiv seed options for creaters of cfw or for some testers
Программа для получения root-ключа Вашей приставки. Этот файл может пригодится для программ "IDPS Changer" и "IDPSet".
Flatz выпустил утилиту для получения корневого ключа (root key) на кастомной прошивке 4.50 .
Просто установите .pkg на (CEX) CFW 4.50 , после чего PS3 издаст 3 звуковых сигнала , и перезагрузится.
После ищем файл eid_root_key в DEV_HDD0/GAME/FLTZ00010/USRDIR/
The Amazing flatz has done it again , now getting your root key could’nt be easier . Simply install pkg on 4.50 (CEX)CFW and run and your ps3 will beep 3 times and restart . Find your root key in DEV_HDD0/ GAME/FLTZ00010/USRDIR
Tested & working by me This is only for 4.50 (CEX)CFW
Enjoy :)
В v1.00 для каждой прошивки свой pkg. Поддержка следующих версий: CEX/DEX 4.21 CEX 4.46 CEX 4.50 CEX 4.53 CEX 4.65
A nice tool has been released by flat_z, for those who want to dump their eid_root_key for CEX to DEX conversion, read the PS3 HDD on the PC or to get the drive keys to use with an ODE.
eid_root_key from 3.55 CEX, 4.21 CEX, 4.21 DEX, 4.46 CEX, 4.50 CEX, 4.53 CEX, 4.65 CEX GameOS in seconds, no need for OtherOS. Allowing root EID key extraction without need for downgrade.
Use your eid_root_key to access the content of your PS3 HDD on the PC or convert your CEX to DEX, among other uses.
- install package and run it - It will then black screen (no GUI) and restart the console automatically - FTP (other otherwise) retrieve your eid_root_key / PCK1 from /dev_hdd0/tmp/eid_root_key or for 4.xx in /dev_hdd0/game/FLTZ00010/USRDIR
Simple NTFS ISO Mounter (by CaptainCPS-X, 2013) - первый и работающий только на гибридной прошивке кобра/роджеро вариант монтирования игр с носителей в NTFS формате
Simple NTFS ISO Mounter v1.01 (UPD)
A small update to properly support PSXISO, DVDISO and BDISO.
As testing purpose I backed up my original FINAL FANTASY VII (PSX) as BIN/CUE with ImgBurn on Windows 8 x64, and as expected the game was mounted properly.
I backed up an Original DVD Movie (Karate Kid) as ISO, using once again ImgBurn for it, the results where great, the movie was available on the XMB -> Video section and I was able to watch it.
Only test left is BDISO, but I guess it should be working fine .
[CROSS] – Select ISO / Game to Mount [TRIANGLE] – Rescan NTFS drive
Enjoy! Merry Christmas! xD
This application will ONLY work on “Cobra 7.00 CFW (Mixed w/Rogero 4.46 v1.00)”.
Do not connect more than one NTFS drive, it will only use one, plus I don’t see the need of having many drives connected when you just want to mount one game.
Keep reading for more notes…
————————————————————————— THANKS TO: —————————————————————————
Thanks to “Eswald” for porting the NTFS library and “Cobra Dev” for improving it and releasing the Cobra 7.00 CFW along with source code.
This release is initial, so expect it to be very simple but functional.
More improvements will eventually come, so stay tuned.
Running Iris Manager is causing issues with the mounting of ISOs, avoid running Iris Manager before booting Simple NTFS ISO Mounter. If you ran Iris Manager by accident, just restart your PS3.
PS2ISO is not supported, you must use the internal PS3 HDD and put your ISO(s) in “/dev_hdd0/PS2ISO/”.
Launch Game Backups Directly from XMB! (No Manager/Last Game Required) by Exofreak - запуск игр прямо из XMB без использования менеджеров
Update #2: PS3 Dev Exofreak has improved his release with the help from developer deank who made some changes on his webMAN plugin to help with this concept. Checkout update #2 for the latest info.
Original Article: Exofreak is back with a Tutorial / POC for launching Game Backups directly from the XMB. This is done by some XML editing and with the use of PRX Loader and webMAN plugin. The dev has provided an example in the download. However each user would have to edit the XML file for this concept to work on your PS3, as there would be Proxy conflicts, using exofreak's Proof of Concept, The official release quote can be found below with all the details.
You can now do everthing that i initially attempted without going through all the hassle
This tool will parse any of the supported PlayStation ISO / BIN. The module will also check for valid (ISO9660 / MODE1 / 2048) or (MODE2 / 2352).
When used as library for an application this can:
[PS1 / PS2] Get game Title ID from SYSTEM.CNF and obtain Title from a text database. [PS3 / PSP] Get game Title and ID from the PARAM.SFO inside the ISO (no need for text database). Titles gets automatically converted from UTF-8 to ASCII. Provide a function to patch PS3 ISOs created with different applications than Gen****** (Ex. ImgBurn, PowerISO).
When used as application:
Users can quickly patch any specified PS3 ISO created with different application than Gen****** (Ex. ImgBurn, PowerISO).
Note: Patching will make the ISO valid for the PS3 system, if you try to mount it without patching, the system will not detect it.
Note: If you don't specify --verbose then only the Title ID and Title will be displayed.
v1.01 (November 9, 2013)
Fixed typo, now all references to "vervose" are correctly named "verbose". Removed accidental duplicate macro definition on "psiso_tool.h".
v1.00 (November 9, 2013)
Initial Release.
Example Windows Batch:
EDIT: Removed "@" from script, because vBulletin messes it up
Code: echo off
set PSISO_TOOL_LOG=psiso_tool_log.txt
call psiso_tool --ps1 --v "I:\PSXISO\FINALFANTASY7_CD3.BIN" > ps1_%PSISO_TOOL_LOG% && type ps1_%PSISO_TOOL_LOG% echo . call psiso_tool --ps2 --v "I:\PS2ISO\Capcom vs. SNK 2 - Mark of the Millennium 2001 (USA).iso" > ps2_%PSISO_TOOL_LOG% && type ps2_%PSISO_TOOL_LOG% echo . call psiso_tool --ps3 --v --patch "I:\******\BCUS98174-[The Last of Us].iso" > ps3_%PSISO_TOOL_LOG% && type ps3_%PSISO_TOOL_LOG% echo . call psiso_tool --psp --v "I:\PSPISO\b-ff4u.iso" > psp_%PSISO_TOOL_LOG% && type psp_%PSISO_TOOL_LOG% echo .
Example Batch Output:
Code: ========================================================================= PS ISO Tool v1.00 (supports PS1/PS2/PS3/PSP) (CaptainCPS-X, 2013) ========================================================================= ISO file: I:\PSXISO\FINALFANTASY7_CD3.BIN Supported PS1 ISO (ISO9660/MODE2/FORM1/2352) Volume Size: (0x0004476A sectors) (574312448 bytes) Root Directory Record Offset: 0x0000CA20 SYSTEM.CNF file record found at pos: 0x4C5 SYSTEM.CNF Extent (data) Offset: 0x0000D350 SYSTEM.CNF Data Length: 0x00000044 Getting title for: SCUS-94165 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE ID: ( SCUS_941.65 ) TITLE: ( Final Fantasy VII [Disc3of3] ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ps2_psiso_tool_log.txt
Code: ========================================================================= PS ISO Tool v1.00 (supports PS1/PS2/PS3/PSP) (CaptainCPS-X, 2013) ========================================================================= ISO file: I:\PS2ISO\Capcom vs. SNK 2 - Mark of the Millennium 2001 (USA).iso Supported PS2 ISO (ISO9660/MODE1/2048) Volume Size: (0x0001AB80 sectors) (224133120 bytes) Root Directory Record Offset: 0x00082800 SYSTEM.CNF file record found at pos: 0x125 SYSTEM.CNF Extent (data) Offset: 0x0053D000 SYSTEM.CNF Data Length: 0x00000038 Getting title for: SLUS20246 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE ID: ( SLUS_202.46 ) TITLE: ( Capcom vs. SNK 2 - Mark of the Millennium 2001 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
psp_psiso_tool_log.txt Code: ========================================================================= PS ISO Tool v1.00 (supports PS1/PS2/PS3/PSP) (CaptainCPS-X, 2013) ========================================================================= ISO file: I:\PSPISO\b-ff4u.iso Supported PSP ISO (ISO9660/MODE1/2048) Volume Size: (0x00068FF0 sectors) (880771072 bytes) Root Directory Record Offset: 0x0000B000 PSP_GAME file record found at pos: 0x081 PSP_GAME Extent (data) Offset: 0x0000B800 PARAM.SFO file record found at pos: 0x127 PARAM.SFO Extent (data) Offset: 0x06F48000 PARAM.SFO Data Length: 0x00000230 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Preparing to process PARAM.SFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SFO Type: 0x00 SFO Identifier: PSF SFO Variable Name Table Offset: 0x000000E4 SFO Data Table Offset: 0x00000168 SFO Total Variables: 13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SFO Variable Table Entries: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> APP_VER: 01.00 >> BOOTABLE: 0x0001 >> CATEGORY: UG >> DISC_ID: ULUS10560 >> DISC_NUMBER: 0x0001 >> DISC_TOTAL: 0x0001 >> DISC_VERSION: 1.00 >> HRKGMP_VER: 0x0013 >> PARENTAL_LEVEL: 0x0004 >> PSP_SYSTEM_VER: 6.37 >> REGION: 0x8000 >> TITLE: FINAL FANTASY IV: The Complete Collection >> USE_USB: 0x0000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Searching variable data for [ DISC_ID ] Found variable data for [ DISC_ID ]... [ ULUS10560 ] Searching variable data for [ TITLE ] Found variable data for [ TITLE ]... [ FINAL FANTASY IV: The Complete Collection ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE ID: ( ULUS10560 ) TITLE: ( FINAL FANTASY IV: The Complete Collection ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
@sandungas , @zecoxao , @aldostools , @Ada Love Lace check the source out I did a couple of modules from scratch that you might like (psiso_tool.h has info)
PS: This already have been implemented into "Simple NTFS ISO Mounter" and tested, I wrote all the code to be portable and usable on both windows / ps3 / etc. More nice stuff will be implemented to these tools in the future.
Gamesonic Manager 1.0 by Orion Бекап менеджер построенный на исходниках Ps3ITA Manager v1.51
- Completely built from the source code of the Ps3Ita Manager 1.51 (thank the team ps3ita). - Full Discless for cfw 3.55-4.30-4.46-4.50. Full support for all cfw 4:21 to 4:50 is that CEX DEX. - Updated fan control utility to 2:00. - Automatic language detection. Control syscon fan set to the default will be for the user whether to enable the payload or not. - Full support for all PS3/PS1 games. - Added tools for the network. - Fixati bugs.
- Gameboots custom: We will have the opportunity to change or add any custom Gameboot with one of the 16 present. - Facebook Plugin: The category of friends plugin that integrates Facebook into your XMB (Warning: It will erase your list of friends Network). - TV Channels: This plugin allows us to install 30 free TV channels thanks to the most popular web applications including TV bbc, itv, youtube, abc, video and many others all accessible from the XMB. - Stealth XMB: Remove calls * Install Package Files and app_home to make "genuine" the look of our Playstation 3 just as if we had installed an Original Firmware, there is the opportunity to reapply at a later time (we recommend the use of the toolbox for the installation of the packages). - Replace Coldboot: Through this call we will be able to install any coldboot in our USB drive. - ( NEW in v1.01 ) category_game.xml: Replace category_game.xml with ease for webMAN's "My Games" directory to appear on XMB.
Completely built from the source code of Ps3Ita Manager 1.51 (thank you ps3ita team) Full Discless for cfw 3.55-4.30-4.50-4.46 Complete support for all cfw from 4.21 to 4.50 and CEX that DEX Updated fan control utility to 2.01 Added GUI Icons of Iris Manager Control fan set to Disable by default it if users enable the payload or not Full support for all PS3 games/PS1 Added support for NTFS and iso boot from these devices Added full support for cfw cobra Game detection in GAMEZ-GAMES Remapping keys like the one made by Aldo Vargas in his dev manager Updated Appid to GMAN Holding down R2 or L2 while you start the program you will enter directly into the File Manager mode without starting the scan. Added progress bar while the games are in progress. Impediment of re-scan of the games when you exit the File Manager. Added option to disable the loading of the payload for the Fan Control Utility. Changed colors, default temperature table, some labels, etc.. Displays the preview images on the File Manager (in jpeg and png). Added support for split ISO (ISO .. 0, ISO. 1 ... in upper case) on the File Manager. Custom FTP commands (SITE SHUTDOWN, REBOOT).