PS3 CFW SGK [4.53 v1.1 CDX BDEMU]
dw_tn |
Дата: Пн, 18 Мар 2013, 08:55 | Сообщение #1 |
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PS3 CFW SGK Оф сайт:
Кастомные прошивки для PlayStation 3 от команды SGK.
Мини FAQ по кастомным прошивкам
пароль : TeamSGK
* CFW 4.53 V1.1 MD5: acb3da8f7610c14f78d0c30d09c3b50e * SGK MANAGER v1.1 MD5: 8b257832547312d6807a0aec5153374b
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dw_tn |
Дата: Пн, 18 Мар 2013, 08:57 | Сообщение #2 |
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PS3 CFW 4.31 v7.1 Цитата v7.1 Changelog: 1: Patch enabled Cinavia 2: Compatible with Rebug toolbox or tool CEX DEX I edit 3: Setting the Debug menu CEX DEX via toolbox and available 4: Rebug mode via the toolbox and is available mode is used ReactPSN 5: Fake save data owner DEX functional setting 6: Adding trophies in the category syncronize user to be able more easily
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dw_tn |
Дата: Вс, 24 Мар 2013, 17:48 | Сообщение #3 |
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Сообщений: 4823
Team SGK 4.40.1 FULL no spoof Цитата 4.40.1 changelog: 1: Adding Core OS compler 4.40 2: Adding and all self SPRX 4.40 3: QA flag enabled 4: pup can be used Checkoff downgrade with E3 flasher or progskeet To set the debug menu setting on the xmb then went parameter has made networks and (L2 L1 L3 R1 R2 DOWN on DPAD) Installation: 0: installable on all cfw 3.55 4.21 4.30 and 4.31v3.2, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2,5.0,5.1,5.2 1: toujour have qa flag enabled and system update debug ON 2: Copy the pup in your usb in PS3/UPDATE 3: from the xmb (cfw4.31-cfw4.30-cfw421-cfw3.55) 4: Update system 5: update from storage
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dw_tn |
Дата: Пт, 05 Апр 2013, 07:10 | Сообщение #4 |
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Сообщений: 4823
CFW 4.40.4 By TeamSGK Цитата Changelog:
Adding toolbox function Rebug Adding fashion in 4.40 Rebug DEX FUNCTIONAL via toolbox Added debug menu in the menu setting in Rebug mode via toolbox Adding fake save data owner FUNCTIONAL On replacement by new icon by icon Hackxell Complete overhaul of the cose of cfw for copied!! optimization of loading games Added retré lisence pkg psn not need it reactpsn (sertaint ps1 ps2 as pkg psn reactpsn and toujour required) ( ps3 pkg saint row the third as an error is 80010009 and reactpsn toujour required) (the advance) Added patch Cinavia Added compatibility with reactpsn Added fix dualshock BD Emulation compatibile with Multiman (in a game and Multiman celectionné apuyé Care The key option games von aparaitre enabled the USB emulation patch BD) good games audio replacement coldboot Added 4.40 Core OS compler Added self and all SPRX 4.40 QA flag enabled To set the debug menu in normal mode setting on the xmb then went parameter has made networks and (L2 L1 L3 R1 R2 BELIEVE THE BOTTOM OF THE DIRECTIONAL) Checkoff pup can be used to downgrade with E3 flasher or progskeet
installable on all cfw 3.55 4.21 4.30 4.31 and 4.40 Still have the qa flag enabled and system update debug ON Copy the pup in your usb key in PS3/UPDATE from the XMB (cfw4.40 cfw4.31-cfw4.30-cfw421-cfw3.55) a system update update from supor storage
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pvc1 |
Дата: Пн, 22 Апр 2013, 10:47 | Сообщение #5 |
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Сообщений: 10954
PS3 CFW 4.40.5 CDEX Цитата Changelog 4.40.5 CDEX:
replacing audio and video coldboot lines.qrc replacement news icon by Hackxell ameloiration the toolbox Rebug for normal mode, and CDEX DEX Adding style toolbox psidpatcher 4.40 rogero NORMAL MODE 4.40/accé psn and compatible Reactpsn CDEX 4.40/ajout option dex fashion style fake save data owner and compatible psn and Reactpsn DEX 4.30/ajout MODE FUNCTION TOOL DEX miralatijéra and spoof 4.40 PSN compliant and Reactpsn Corection launch of minis is launched on a black ecrand 4.40.4 replacement minis colbboot Debug Menu:
To set the debug menu in NORMAL mode setting on the xmb parameter has been made and then networks (L1 L2 L3 R1 R2 DOWN TO BELIEVE DIRECTIONAL) CDEX IN FASHION AND DEX AND THE DEBUG MENU SHOW Notes:
4.40.5 AND THE ALWAYS SO checkoff can used with E3 flasher downgrade or ProgSkeet Installation:
installable on all cfw 3.55 4.21 4.30 4.31 and 4.40 Still have the qa flag enabled and system update debug ON Copy the pup in your usb key in PS3/UPDATE from xmb (cfw4.40 cfw4.31-cfw4.30-cfw421-cfw3.55) Update system update from supor storage
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pvc1 |
Дата: Вс, 05 Май 2013, 21:29 | Сообщение #6 |
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SGK CFW With NOR Fix Цитата Version corrects a problem relating to the NOR on Slim PS3s running earlier versions of the 4.40 custom firmware. On top of that, a 4.41 spoofer was added in so that users will be able to access the PSN and other online services. The changelog hasn't been updated between versions with the exception of the changes mentioned above. However, if you are an user of SGK's firmware, you should update to this version to ensure that you have the best experience possible.
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dw_tn |
Дата: Сб, 11 Май 2013, 10:23 | Сообщение #7 |
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Сообщений: 4823
SGK MultiRegion 4.41.05 CDEX Цитата Changelog:
1: Replacement coldboot audio and video 2: Replacement lines.qrc RETIRED BUG FOR MULTI REGION 3: News icon by Hackxell 4: Ameloiration the toolbox Rebug for normal mode, CDEX and DEX 5: NORMAL MODE 4.41/access PSN and compatible ReActPSN 6: CDEX fashion 4.41/ajout option DEX style fake save data owner and compatible PSN and ReActPSN 7: DEX 4.30/ajout MODE FUNCTION TOOL DEX miralatijera 8: Adding style toolbox PSIDPatcher 4.41 Rogero 9: Correction launch minis that launched a black screen 10: Replacement minis colbboot
Debug Menu:
To set the debug menu in NORMAL mode setting on the XMB parameter has been made and then networks (L1 L2 L3 R1 R2 DOWN TO BELIEVE DIRECTIONAL) CDEX MODE AND DEX AND THE DEBUG MENU SHOW
1: Installable on all CFW 3.55 4.21 4.30 4.31 4.40 AND 4.41 2: Still have the QA flag enabled and system update debug ON 3: Copy the PUP in your USB key in PS3/UPDATE 4: From XMB (CFW4.41 cfw4.40 cfw4.31-cfw4.30-cfw421-cfw3.55) 5: A system update 6: Update from support storage
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dw_tn |
Дата: Чт, 27 Июн 2013, 21:01 | Сообщение #8 |
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Сообщений: 4823
Spoof 4.46 by Team SGK
Примечание: вам нужно сначала удалить старый spoofer Скачайте: Пароль RAR : loko714
Нажмите L1 + X для установки Spoof
Включение / выключение:
Нажмите L1 + X для включения / выключения (система перезагрузится)
Нажмите L1 + круг для удаления (это приведет к отключению спуфера, удалятся файлы dev_flash и при необходимости перезагрузится)
Используйте на свой страх и риск Совместимость со всеми CFW 4.XX
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pvc1 |
Дата: Чт, 11 Июл 2013, 08:33 | Сообщение #9 |
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Сообщений: 10954
You can choose between:
Cex 4.46 to 4.30 dex Cex 4.46 to 4.41 dex Our friend and DEV SGK has worked hard in recent days to lay a CFW Cedex worthy of himself.
The main functions of this new cfw:
Patch peek and poke usual File 2 LV2 (CEX4.46/DEX4.30) (CEX4.46/DEX4.41) (swap lv2 via toolbox available only with 4.30) (Exchange your core EID0/LV2) All options CEX mode (retail) are available All options are available in Debug DEX Compatible ProDG manager (CEX / DEX) Package manager Toolbox Patch Cinavia Patch reactpsn Patch VSH – Let act.dat and rif files unsigned. Patch VSH – Dissociation Disable / Remove act.dat Eid swap Load dex sp mode (DEX) Real time FUNCTIONAL (DEX) works on 4.41 dex with the original br player Activation of Bluray player need to bd emu Patch LV1: 114 undocumented feature (Allow mapping of protected memory) Compatible QA Flag PatchLV1 – Disable checking the integrity of the system (Safe to use with incompatible versions of CoreOS / SYSCON or the PS3 QA Flag is not enabled) OtherOS + + Patch LV1 – Pass all LCD controls necessary to enable start OtherOS
Lock / unlocking of trophies Use any backups This little gem is right here in this is some words!
4.46.1swap-CEX-DEX-4.30 (MD5: 6639e6e90d287963f5b6a6d3fdb83128)
4.46.1swap-CEX-DEX-4.41 (MD5: 7b6c93a21582c5b18669d6b8557989aa)
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Retro¥GAMER |
Дата: Чт, 11 Июл 2013, 16:25 | Сообщение #10 |
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