Basic function: Create aa user and run reActPSN to generate PSN license from USB/exdata. Button controls: [X] = pressing and holding X button for 6 seconds when launching reActPSN. [L1] Reinstall RAPs&EDATs from USB0/exdata or USB1/exdata folder. [L2] Backup RAPs&EDATs to USB/reActPSN/pubPSN/ [R1] Backup reg&rif&edat to USB/reActPSN/ [R2] Backup full fixed NPD files to /USB/reActPSN/FixedPSN. [O] Fix PSone/PSPminis/THEME & generate C00 activation edat license. [X] Batch installs PS2 ISO from USBorHDD/PS2ISO. Flawlessly same as PSN pkg install. [∆] Fix PSN retail to free.stage1:fix all eboot and start hook,play,stage2:fix sprx edat etc. [□] Batch make BD games loader PKG from GAMES&GAMEZ, output PKG to HDD0/packages or USB/. [∆+R2] Fix PSN and make all NPD FIX pkg to USB/. same as PSN crack patch. [R2+L2] Make only 'Fixedby reActPSN' NPD FIX pkg to USB/ or HDD0/packages. [R2+L1] Make all files FIX pkg to USB/ or HDD0/packages. make sure have enough freespace. [R1+L2] Make retail NPDRM files pkg to USB/ or HDD0/packages. [R1+L1] Make retail all files pkg to USB/ or HDD0/packages. make sure have enough freespace. [RIGHT] 8 seconds CEX2DEX&DEX2CEX. [DOWN] Patch VSH to run reActPSN2.0 and enable screen shoot. [LEFT] Disable/Enable all users rif license(remove/restore act.dat).
BDloader functions: Install and run any BDloader,after one KEY 18 secondes, play BD games. [∆] BD games unloader. [□] Batch make BD games loader PKG from GAMES&GAMEZ,output PKG to HDD0/packages or USB/. [L1] Forced downgrad this backup game and patch from 4.20+ to 4.20. Dont forget install bubble pkg. [LEFT] Delete current user's all games Trophy.
BDselector functions: Run reActPSN or BDloader, use last BD icon to change Mount Games from XMB. [L1]or[X]or[O] downgrad this backup game and patch from 4.20+ to 4.20, install bubble pkg. [R1] Forced copy external(USB) game to internal(HDD0). [R2] Remove this game's internal(HDD0) copy.
* BDdirectboot(GMmount),BDselector,BDloader all need insert a boot disk!
How to use: <1> PLAY BD backup games with BDdirectboot(GMmount), supported CFW4.30 to CFW4.65. Run reActPSN, 9 BD icon(7 last play games, 1 HDD new game, 1 USB new game) will be added. <2> PLAY BD backup games with BDselector, supported CFW4.21 to CFW4.65. Run reActPSN or BDloader,use last BD icon to change mount Games from XMB, Run PS3 Games from orignal BD icon. <3> PLAY BD backup games with BDloader. Run reActPSN or any BDloader with holding SQUARE to make all BDloader PKGs. Install you favorite rBL_xxxx.pkg from HDD/packages or USB/. run it, waiting 18 secondes then play BD game, or directboot this game. <4> Flawlessly to play all PSN contents. (1) Download psnstuff v1.82,download psn contents and store RAP&edat files. (2) Put exdata folder with rap's on usb, create 'aa' user and run reActPSN. (3) Install PSN and playing... (4) Put exdata folder with new raps on usb, holding L1 button for 8s and run reActPSN. Install new PSN and play new PSN games. <5> Play C00 type PSN games without rap&edat. [O] to activate it to full game. <6> Share your RAPs to others same as psnstuff, [L1] will help you. <7> Share your PSN crack patch to others. (1) Downloads PSN(1942 flower rain DLC) from PSN store(or install&play it with psnstuff). (2) Insert USB disk to usb0 or usb1. (3) Run reActPSN and holding ∆ triangle button for 6 seconds. (4) Play 1942,flower,rain,BD or PSN dlc. (5) Run reActPSN and holding triangle+R2 button for 6 seconds, then check your USB disk. (*) Do not insert any usb disk,[R2+R1] can gen >4G pkg on hdd0/packages. <8> Flawlessly to install PS2 ISO. (Require CFW>4.20 and has been installed any RAP) (1) Copy few or many PS2 ISO files to USB/PS2ISO and run reActPSN with hold X. (2) Install bubble pkg on XMB. (*) About >4G PS2 ISO. Must copy it to dev_hdd0/PS2ISO, do not insert USB, then [X]... PS2 ICON will be display if your have installed a full version MM. <9> RISK FUNCTION!!! DO NOT TRY DOING IT IF YOU CAN NOT FIX A BRICKER. (1) SET QA, 3.55CFW, [RIGHT] [RIGHT]. (2) 8s CEX2DEX DEX2CEX, REX4.21 or REX4.46 on slim, [RIGHT], its safe. (3) FIX VSH, works on every CFW. screen shot patch is added.
ReActPSN v2.24 Beta is Released, Includes PS2 Game ISO Support
ReActPSN v2.24 beta import PS2 ISO brief description
1. Click pkg.bat this category to to generate 9 PS2 container installation files under Windows. The the PKG directory under the pkg files are copied to the root directory of U. The RPS200001 SOLT 1.pkg must be copied and installed on the PS3, the remaining eight optional installation.
2. Copy exdata directory to the root directory of U and authorized with reActPSN install, simply install once.
3. PS3 insert U disk, run reActPSN v2.4, and continue to hold down the X button for about 6 seconds, automatically generate some directory, and can also be used to create the following directory manually.
4. PS2 several ISO file is copied to the U disk / reActPSN/ISOPS2 directory. PS3 insert U disk, the run reActPSN v2.4, and continue to hold down the X button for about 6 seconds, the patient returns to the XMB complete the import. Files larger than 4G copyed under / dev_hdd0/ISOPS2 directory, do not insert U disk, run reActPSN v2.4 hold down the X button to import.
According to the PKG the number you just installed, can import up to 9 ISO. Support the the Chinese ISO file name. Supports importing to the PS2 game, before the file name (1-9), if not () are attributed to the file name order import.
For example, (1) True Contra iso (2) chess master. Iso imported into SOLT 1 and SOLT. Usually only need to perform step 4, you can import the PS2 ISO, run PS2 games will not repeat the import has to import the same game, saving time.
Unfortunately, the PS2 game can not be modified prompt displayed in XMB icon PS3 PSN games they can. Delete after import old PS2 save the data, after the first run, manage to save data (PS2) at only real PS2 TITLE ID and ISO file name.
A function, automatically more than one ISO file generation making PKG install package the only game ID (PS2ID), can also display UTF8 Chinese, have been substantially completed, but taking into account the slower on the PS3, they will not provide.
This is just a beta version, welcome feedback problem. About the function of crack EDAT4.0 well-busy recently, less testing, consider authorizing the perfect support for all PSN content, this version does not support.
PS2 class can only be run in 4.21CFW or more and support machine reActPSN authorized. The U disk import PS2 ISO speed is probably about 7M / s, about 3 minutes and 40 seconds to import a 1.3g's game. Black import or run game trial download address, please inform.
PS2 Classics Placeholder Можно ей это активировать. А то тут reActPSN_v2.23b работает , даже консоль перезагружает ( другие проги эти просто в главное меню выходят) Но эмулятор псновский всё равно открывается с ошибкой требует обновления.
Сообщение отредактировал Krontes - Сб, 30 Мар 2013, 15:32
1: triangular crack mode support to CFW4.41. 2: [the triangle key + L1], [Triangle button + L2] downgrade will automatically generate a small SFO downgrade pkg triangle button can be installed Installation the PKG location in the XMB-game, REBUG the game-Package Manager-PlayStationNetwork Content. 3: Add [left] mode, forced to delete the current user's trophy file to solve the problem of the part of the game after the break trophy can not be registered. 4: rewrite [X] PS2 ISO import mode, with PSN installation perfect container is no longer needed, and install three times faster.