PS3 CFW SGK 4.53 V1.1 CDX BDEmu & Cobra By Team SGK
The main functions and novelty of this CFW:
Novelty: Cobra-addition mode via toolbox (load lv2 kernel)
Adding webman for Cobra fashion
My add-in games / homebrew games category HDD (for Webman included in the plugin manager SGK)
Added pkg-active webman (included in package manager HDD0) is pkg installs plugin.txt
Added pkg-Toolbox (included in package manager HDD0)
Adding PSNpatch in Cobra mode (loaded your games with webman went on the icon games and made L3 R3 R2 if you entandé 3 beep and all good (Included in the plugin manager SGK). Before My copy PSNpatch.cfg file on your usb and do not say Oubea meter your valid ID)
Added loader MLT modify ps3 4.53 for BR player HS (thanks MLT)
ISO compatible PS3 via IRIS 2.70 discless manager in fashion
BSOD bypass
PSN CEX-connection mode and CEDEX
Adding bypass psn game in cex and 4.53 Cedex mode (careful not all games work right stile gta 5 PKG 80010009 error)
Installable on ofw or cfw 3.55 4.21 4.30 4.31 4.40 4.41. 4.46 and 4.50
SGK all CFW via recovery or XMB
Patch peek and poke usual
All options CEX mode (retail) are available
Package manager
Patch Cinavia
Patch Reactpsn
Patch VSH - Let act.dat and rif files unsigned.
Patch VSH - Disable Dissociation / Remove act.dat
Patch LV1: undocumented feature 114 (Allow mapping of protected memory)
Compatible QA Flag
PatchLV1 - Disable checking of system integrity (Safe to use with incompatible versions of CoreOS / SYSCON or the PS3 QA Flag is not enabled)
Mini tutorial for the loader and BDEMU activated or deactivated or for ps3 hs reader copy the flags bdemu folder to the root of your usb with the PUP in PS3/UPDATE/PS3UPDAT.PUP
For ps3 drive ok copy the flags nosearch folder to the root of your usb with the PUP in PS3/UPDATE/PS3UPDAT.PUP
CFW 4.53 V1.1
MD5: acb3da8f7610c14f78d0c30d09c3b50e
MD5: 8b257832547312d6807a0aec5153374b
RAR Password: Доступно только для пользователей