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PSNPATCH 2015.11/A

Обновление утилиты PSN Patch для подмены ID консоли и отключения системных вызовов CFW, чтобы сделать вашу систему более "безопасной" для входа в PSN. 


Изменения в этой версии: 

  • PSNPatch Interceptor - PSNPatch plugin will detect other tools disabling CFW: will intercept them, do the best cfw disabling, restore psn access, and unloads itself from memory (*)
  • Stealth3 extension extended from cobra and mamba to non-cobra systems.
  • PSN access control was much improved and simplified, yet assuring the best protection.
  • A lot of code clean-up and improvements.

 (*) PSNPatch Interceptor was initially made for a seamless integration with webman-mod, but it eventually should work with any other tools. Read docs for further details.

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Категория: Программы и приложения PlayStation | Просмотров: 3732 | Добавил: dw_tn | Теги: Patch, патч, psnpatch, ID, psid, fuck psn, online, spoof, PSN, спуф | Рейтинг: 5.0/1

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