Главная » 2013 » Февраль » 6 » multiMAN 04.19.05 UPDATE
multiMAN 04.19.05 UPDATE
Обновление многофункционального менеджера multiMAN 04.19.05 UPDATE. Это не полноценный релиз, а обновление. В архиве находятся CEX, DEX и STEALTH версия.

Изменения в этой версии:

* Added support for PS2 disc add-ons for PS3 games like SingStar:
- "[PS2" prefix in folder name required
- Example: /dev_hdd0/GAMES/SingStar-Dance/[PS2 Pop] where [PS2 Pop] contains a backup of your PS2 disc

You can have up to 10 [PS2] add-on discs per PS3 game. In the screenshot above the following folder structure was used:

/dev_usb000/GAMES/SingStar-Dance <--- This is the PS3 game listed in the Game column

mM detects the add-on PS2 discs and will list them in the pop-up menu when you load the game:

/dev_usb000/GAMES/SingStar-Dance/[PS2 Pop]
/dev_usb000/GAMES/SingStar-Dance/[PS2 Disney]
/dev_usb000/GAMES/SingStar-Dance/[PS2 Party]

To have a PS2 disc to be listed in the pop-up menu the folder name must start with [PS2 like in the examples above.

[Hermes] option for BD-ROM Emulator must be used and a PS3 disc is required. Later for the PS2 swap you'll need an original PS2 disc.

Don't forget that you can backup your original PS2 discs in folder format using mmOS.

Thanks to @Portnyashka for the tests and suggestions. 

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Категория: Программы и приложения PlayStation | Просмотров: 2247 | Добавил: pvc1 | Теги: игры PS3, бекап менеджер, multiMAN, мультимен | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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