Главная » 2016 » Декабрь » 30
Вышел финальный релиз CyanogenPSP версии 6.1 от разработчика Joel16 для консоли PSP.

Изменения в этой версии:

New Features:

- Allow brightness control asset to be themed as well
- Implemented font colors. No longer need choosing a specific color scheme for the themes to enhance font visibility.
- Battery status, digital time and clock widget/date on lockscreen can have their font colors altered.
- Added experimental ID3 JPG/JPEG tags. (Turn on experimental features to acces this)
- New CyanogenPSP banner by preetisketch.
- Revamped music player to mimic CyanogenMod's recent changes.
- Revamped file manager to mimic CyanogenMod's recent changes.
- Slightly revamped gallery to mimic CyanogenMod's recent changes.
- Display USB debugging icon only if the USB cable is connected.
- New USB debugging icon.
- Minor changes to ME Mp3player
- New music player settings lets you toggle lockscreen background on/off. (Press Start to access)
- Lockscreen now has a little music playing widget similar to android. Let's you pause/play music while in lockscreen, without having to go back to the music player.
- Revamped Settings- ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Программы и приложения PlayStation | Просмотров: 3410 | Добавил: pvc1 30 Дек 2016 в 17:20 | Комментарии (0)