Обновление утилиты для альтернативного отображения и запуска игр прямо из XMB меню.

Изменения в этой версии:
Теперь поддерживаются 6 кастомных прошивок: Darknet 4.81 v1.00 Cobra v7.30
Ferrox 4.81 v1.00 Cobra v7.30
Overdrive 4.81 v4 Cobra 7.30
Playerpk420 4.81 v1.00 Cobra
Rebug 4.80.1 REX Cobra
Spy 4.81 v1.00 Cobra
More CFW support.
Install makeover.
Webman Mod 1.45.02 Full required.
v1.45.02 or higher recommended to get the full features of Launchpad.
As a bonus this installer adds XMBM+ support and fixes the dupe pkg issue that this can sometimes cause. I had to move install bubbles inside install packages on some of the FWs to get everything working right.
This installer will add support for XMBM+ on any of the 6 CFWs it supports even if you only select the uninstall option.
Handy little tip: with the Launchpad you don't need to reboot when you use the built in shortcut to refresh.
If you install this on Overflow 4.81 Cobra CFW it will also update WebMAN to 1.45.02 FULL version (I have done this due to the path used).
Warning: This has been reported to cause a soft brick on SPY 4.81 (Easily Recoverable)..Make sure to install the CORRECT version for your CFW. Heavily modifie
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