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PS3ITA Manager 1.30
[ Скачать с сервера (993.7 Kb) ] 22 Июл 2013, 21:34
Обновился менеджер от ресурса PS3Ita, построенный на исходниках Iris Manager до версии 1.30

Изменения в этой версии:

New Features:

- Added payload 4.41 DEX.
- Control fan” now also supports CFW 4.41 DEX.
IMPORTANT NOTE: fan control mode is not active by default (mode "# SYSCON”).
To activate it enter in the menu "Tools”, "Control Fan & USB Wakeup” and choose your preferred mode ("# By User” or "payload”).
- Possibility of make "permanent” the console id inserted by keyboard on screen (ONLY FOR CFW 4.41 DEX).
NOTE: the console id will be set automatically when you boot the console, is not necessary start ps3ita manager after every boot (ONLY CFW 4.41 DEX PS3ITA).


It possible lower the fan speed in mode "# By User” up to 0×33 (What highly NOT recommended anyway).
Possibility also further lower the values ​​of the mode "Payload”.

Problem fixed:

- Some translation files were saved by mistake with ISO encoding, because of this some accented characters were not displayed.

Now everything should be fine.
Категория: Менеджеры | Добавил: pvc1 | Теги: ps3 игры, CFW, PS3ITA, Backup, ps3ita manager
Просмотров: 2322 | Загрузок: 765 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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