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GameSonic Manager v3.10
[ Скачать с сервера (14.51 Mb) ] 18 Июл 2014, 10:19

Бекап менеджер от итальянских разработчиков Orion и Mussonero, использующий наработки Iris Manager

Изменения в этой версии:
  • Auto-rename files explore_plugin.sprx depending on the CFW in use (if the CFW is 4:46 explore_plugin_446.sprx renames the manager, even if the update or downgrade the fw manager will rename all automatically), so the manager does not comes in a excess weight and you do not need a discless addon. 
  • Fixed various bugs in the file manager. (Lv1 Lv2-dump, and other small bugs) 
  • Added last payload mamba 4.46DEX by Joonie. 
  • Added spoof Installer / Remover to 4.60 for CFW 4:46 to 4:55 CEX (including cobras). 
  • Added to the plugin installer Webman mod. 
  • Cleaned Advanced Tools menu. 
  • Now in the Advanced Tools menu vissualizzerete the payload that is using the manager. 
  • If spoofing Gamesonic Manager is the active manager will detect it and display it in the global menu option. 
  • Gui Manager reconstructed from 0 and made faster and more efficient. 
  • Added protection in the spoof Installer / remover to avoid the semi-brick (if the manager will detect spoof already installed will show the remove option and not a full installation) 
  • Added scan of the cover of the folder Multiman, if the amanger will find there the cover will apply automatically (Install the cover pack to get all the cover). 
  • Updated source code for the version of Singstar Replacament and cleaned from unnecessary strings.
Категория: Менеджеры | Добавил: pvc1 | Теги: gamesonic, ps3 игры, CFW, бекап менеджер, Backup
Просмотров: 4013 | Загрузок: 1038 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1

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