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ScummVM - 1.4.1
[ Скачать с сервера (8.72 Mb) ] 03 Дек 2012, 21:09

Новая версия эмулятора ScummVM от 17.01.2012. Полный список поддерживаемых игр есть на сайте разработчика - http://www.scummvm.org/compatibility.php

В архиве 2 версии эмулятора - простая версия и версия с поддержкой сети и жесткого диска. Подробности в ридми в архиве.

Изменения в этой версии:


   - Fixed loading videos directly from InstallShield cabinets in the Windows
     version of the The Feeble Files.

   - Added support for Enhanced Music by James Woodcock 

 Broken Sword 2:
   - Slight graphics improvement for PSX version.

   - Fixed bug in the original Lands of Lore GUI which made ScummVM error out
     in the case the user did not have a contiguous save slot usage.
   - Add support for original DOS Lands of Lore save files (also applies to save
     files made with the GOG release).

   - Fixed race condition in SCI1.1 palette changes. This fixes an error in
     QFG1VGA, when sleeping at Erana's place.
   - The option to toggle sound effect types between digitized and synthesized
     has been disabled until a more user-friendly GUI option is possible.
     Digital sound effects are always preferred for now.
   - Fixed a case where starting a new song didn't fully reset its channels,
     thus some notes sounded wrong. 

Категория: Эмуляторы | Добавил: pvc1 | Теги: scummvm, pc games, msdos, ps2 emulation
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