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PS2ESDL v0.824
[ Скачать с сервера (298.7 Kb) ] 13 Апр 2014, 08:02

Обновление загрузчика игр с USB носителей от SP193

Изменения в этой версии:

  • The screen will now be automatically re-centered when the 480P mode is used. (Fixed)
  • Fixed many logic errors that could impede stability.
  • PS2LOGO can now be (optionally) launched. This will only work if the game's logo section (first 16 sectors) is decrypted. Currently not doable with any versions of PS2DCDMP.
  • Fixed graphics mode switching. No more garbled graphics.
  • Corrected the RGBA values used with loaded PNG images. The reason why I could never get the alpha values right was because of a bug in the PNG loading function in gsToolkit. It didn't invert the alpha values.
  • Due to the above, the alpha test (Which was really too aggressive) is no longer needed and was removed.
  • Replaced my old quicksort algorithm with a call to the C qsort() function.
  • Fixed one bug related to calling AllocSysMemory() and FreeSysMemory() without suspending interrupts in cdvdman.c (According to my understanding of the Sony technical documentation, AllocSysMemory() and FreeSysMemory() are critical sections and need to be run with interrupts disabled).
  • PS2LOGO can now be (optionally) launched, so that the player's play history will get updated and hence the "towers" on the Sony Playstation 2 screen will grow and multiply as they should.
  • The redundant SourceDevice field in the configuration structure has been shifted into the SkinDisplayData structure.
  • Fixed many, many bugs related to calling AllocSysMemory() and FreeSysMemory() without suspending interrupts (According to my understanding of the Sony technical documentation, AllocSysMemory() and FreeSysMemory() are critical sections and need to be run with interrupts disabled).
  • CRITICAL: Fixed support for disks of sector sizes >2048 bytes. The call to AllocSysMemory() in sectorIO.c was faulty as the first and second parameters were swapped around.
  • Changed the EE core again with a new design that is more compatible. Old plugins are now unsupported.
  • This new EE core uses a customized UDNL module that shuts off all DMA channels before the final phase of the IOP reset, to avoid memory corruption by interfaces like USB.
  • Removed the Sony debugging modules from the banned modules list as DECI2.IRX doesn't exist as a standalone IRX and I don't know what SNMON.IRX is.
  • Changed where the temporary buffer for disks with sectors larger than 2048 bytes is created, for better performance.
Категория: HDD утилиты | Добавил: pvc1 | Теги: опл, sp193, HD Loader, ps2esdl, USB Loader, Open PS2 Loader, OPL, хд лоадер
Просмотров: 4553 | Загрузок: 1208 | Комментарии: 1 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1

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