Очередной релиз бета версии Open PS2 Loader ревизии 944

Изменения в последних версиях:
- r944 - doctorxyz dc41440
- IGS source code refactoring (several improvements and fixes)
- IGS seems to be working now.
- r943 - PS2-HOME Translators 5927738
- r942 - doctorxyz a0a99c0
- IGS some header/api fixes/improvements.
- r941 - doctorxyz committed 828010d
- IGS (In Game Screenshot) feature initial commit.
- Update on GSM version & credits.
- r940 - doctorxyz committed a47f93b
- GSM Core additions
- - Built-in DTV480P vmode (replacement code for SetGsCrt), based on the same DTV576P and DTV1080P approach as seeen on commit 2b8273a Link
- - More GS Registers being trapped: PMODE, SMODE1, SRFSH, SYNCH1, SYNCH2, DISPFB1 and DISPFB2.