Lua Player Plus Vita [r.6]/ONElua [V4R1]
dw_tn |
Дата: Сб, 06 Авг 2016, 18:46 | Сообщение #1 |
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Lua Player Plus Vita/ONElua
Github LUA Player Plus: Оф сайт ONE LUA: Github ONE LUA:
Возможности LUA Player Plus:
Lua Player Plus Vita - первый LUA интерпретатор сделанный для Sony PlayStation Vita. Raycast 3D движок позволяет создавать 3D игры начального уровня при помощи технологии ray casting.
Raycast 3D для Vita имеет следующий возможности:
Different tile size maps Automated camera and player position management Support for huge maps (pratically there aren’t limitations) Support for sky rendering and floor rendering Automated minimap renderer with player position Textured walls support Wall Collisions check Shading support Bullet system (Ray casting with returning values)
Возможности ONE LUA:
- The sound and cam modules have been added.
- Added new ONEmaker GUI to facilitate the creation of your own vpks.
- Removed "app0:" the partition, and added support writing on the route of the app ("ux0:/app/<ID>").
- Added ONEdebugger - Real-time debugger errors in your scripts.
- Added os.uri, lets you call “special” URIs on your PS Vita.
- Added functions: files.makezip() to create .zips and files.installthemes() to install CustomThemes in LiveArea.
- Optimization of our Callbacks and the possibility to stop or abort processes in the callback, check the Callbacks section for more information..
- Optimization of the files module (Please check our Documentation).
- Added possibility to Install/Update/Uninstall Homebrew's in vpk format.
- Updated function '', now get data of .sfo, eboot.pbp or VPKs/ZIPs.
- Added the possibility to load maps (tiles) and draw.
- Added the possibility to load ttf or pgf fonts.
- Added the possibility to load a default font: onefont.pgf if there alongside our EBOOT.BIN, otherwise load the default font. Simply place the source properly renamed onefont.pgf and thus the eboot of ONElua can start our Homebrew with this default Font.
- Added the Lua Bit library that allows level operations bit by bit.
- Added several 'PATCH' to extend the syntax of lua, examples:
- C Type operations: "sum: +=, subtraction:-=, multiplication: *=, division: /=, power: ^=, mod: %=, different: !=, division does not float: \"
- C bit operations: "and: &, or: |, not: ~, shift left: <<, right shift: >>"
- Operations continue, "skips a cycle", in any loop.
* Lua Player Plus Vita r6 * ONEluaVita4r1 * Документация ONEluaVita_Doc_En.chm
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pvc1 |
Дата: Вт, 06 Сен 2016, 11:51 | Сообщение #2 |
Высшая материя
Сообщений: 10954
Цитата New functions:
- Controls.rumble() - Changes rumble state of a certain dualshock (PSTV only) - Screen.getPixel() - Gets the color of a pixel on the screen - Screen.waitVblankStart() - Performs a screen vertical synchronization (vSync) - System.getTime() - Gets current system time - System.getDate() - Gets current system date - System.getLanguage() - Gets system language - System.getUsername() - Gets PSN username - System.extractZIP() - Extracts a ZIP archive - System.extractFromZIP() - Extract a file from a ZIP archive - Socket.init() - Inits sockets system - Socket.term() - Terminates sockets system - Socket.createServerSocket() - Creates a server socket - Socket.send() - Sends a message on a socket - Socket.receive() - Receives a message on a socket - Socket.accept() - Accepts connections on a socket - Socket.close() - Closes a socket - Socket.connect() - Connects to a server using a socket - - Initializes OSK keyboard - Keyboard.getState() - Gets current state of the OSK keyboard - Keyboard.getInput() - Gets input of the OSK keyboard - Keyboard.clear() - Terminates OSK keyboard
Syntax changes:
- Now all Graphics drawing images functions accept an extra optional argument to perform a texture tint. - Changed arguments order of Graphics drawing images to respec lpp-3ds. - Now, Controls.readLeftAnalog() and Controls.readRightAnalog() accept an extra argument that tells what controller to use (PSTV only)
New feature and improvements:
- Now lpp-vita will be able to use safe eboots for your homebrews. - Increased available RAM size to 192 MB. - Now multiple instances of the same sound can be put in reproduction without any issues. - Now VSync is disabled by default and usable with Screen.waitVblankStart().
- Now Sound.pause() and Sound.resume() are working as intended. - Now won't cause desync issues with PCM WAV tracks. - Fixed LOOP and NO_LOOP globals. Now they're working as intended. - Fixed a flaw in implementation. Now it works as intended.
- Corrected syntax of Sound sample. - Added Keyboard sample. - Added File Downloader sample.
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pvc1 |
Дата: Ср, 23 Ноя 2016, 11:01 | Сообщение #3 |
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Сообщений: 10954
ONElua Release V2R0 - еще один вариант интерпретатора LUA
Оф.сайт разработчика:
Цитата - Fixed prints (%,ñ,... etc). - Change buttons.rumble. - Added a complete file system to support path work. - Removed "app0:" the partition, and added support writing on the route of the app. - Added sintaxis extended in strings, Operators "+, -, /, *, +=, -=, *=, /=". example print("Hello from " + "ONElua") -- Hello from ONElua - Added ONEdebugger - Real-time debugger errors in your scripts. - Added os.uri, lets you call “special” URIs on your PS Vita. - Added os.arg, You can invoke ONElua from another application, and know how it was called and if there is any special argument. - Added possibility to install themes, "LiveArea". - Added possibility to use protocol "https://" in the http module. - Added possibility to stream PSVITA screen to PC "Based on Rinnegatamante code and compatible with rinCheat Streamer PC app". - Fixed a bug in files.list 'times'. - Added Support to write/read from "savedata0:". - Reorder code and internal improvements. - Added Sound module, Support MP3 format. - Added sound.getid3() and sound.extractcover(), to handle mp3 files. - Added Camera module, you can manipulate both chambers, and apply some tricks. - Added function to compress file or folder, 'files.makezip()' - Updated function '', now get data of .sfo, eboot.pbp or VPKs/ZIPs.
* ONEluaVita2r0
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pvc1 |
Дата: Вт, 18 Апр 2017, 10:32 | Сообщение #4 |
Высшая материя
Сообщений: 10954
ONElua Release V3R0
Цитата + Ported to be 100% compatible with taiHEN and use the maximum of functions. + New Touch Module (separation of the buttons module). + New Motion Module (Read Accelerometer, gyroscope). + New Console Module (Debug text console). + New Thread Module (Handling of threads or processes). + New Channel Module (Data connections between threads or processes). + New Link Module (Remote File Emulation), used 'PSP2LINK' of Bigboss @psxdev. + New Theme Module (Management of personalized themes for Livearea). + Completely rewritten Sound module, now supports OGG, MP3, WAV, in addition to playing from net sources. + Added function buttons.homepopup(), Enable / Disable the PS button to exit a game or app. + Added function buttons.portinfo(), Gets information from the control ports on the console. + Fixed functions buttons.rumble() and buttons.lbar(). + Added the ability to scan QR codes with the camera, using the function cam.scanqr(). + Added the metafunction of converting a color to a number, using color.tonumber(). + Added 2 new colors in color.loadpalette(), 'color.shine' and 'color.shadow'. + Added the game module (Handling applications or Bubbles), Some functions: |- game.list(), It allows to obtain a list of all the installed games in ux0 and ur0 of your console. |- game.move(), It allows to move a game or application from ux0 to ur0 or vice versa in the system. |- game.delete(), Delete a game or application on the system. |- game.exists(), Lets you check if a game or application exists on the system. |- game.install() & game.installdir(), Installation of VPK packages, and directories, Now when installing an update of a game the changelog.xml is shown correctly in the game bubble in the Livearea. + Added the possibility of render scroll effect, in the screen.print(). + Fixed the function screen.clip(), now work, and support circle limit. + Added the function screen.brightness(), Allows you to get and set the brightness level in the console. + Added the function screen.frame(), Allows you to get the current frame that the console is displaying. + Added several new functions in the OS module: |- os.master() Allows you to enable Unsafe mode on the console. |- os.access() Allows you to know the type of access in the console (Safe or Unsafe). |- os.taicfgreload() Allows a reload of the file config.txt from the Tai folder (henkaku). |- os.browser() Allows run the browser. |- os.newuri() Creates a fast access URI command to an application. |- os.updatedb(), os.rebuilddb() In order to update or completely rebuild the database (app.db). + Updated the internal debugger. + Rewritten most code, to be more optimized and fast.
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pvc1 |
Дата: Сб, 13 Май 2017, 08:15 | Сообщение #5 |
Высшая материя
Сообщений: 10954
ONElua Release V3R1
Цитата ++ Added function game.startup()' & 'game.bg0()', They allow you to obtain the resources of an application. ++ Added function '', This function allows to obtain the XML metadata of a livearea theme!. ++ Added function 'os.golivearea()', Go to livearea without closing the application or press the PS button. ++ Added function 'screen.waitvblankstart()', Wait for the screen to start the refresh. ++ Added function '', Allow to transform a value from one range to another. ++ Added function batt.cycle(), Gets the number of battery charge cycles. ++ Added function 'cam.whitebalance()', Lets you know and set the camera's white balance. ++ Fix function 'console.clear()', Place the cursor on the origin. ++ Fix function 'themes.install()', Now install correctly using the title and author. ++ Fix 'screen.print()', When passing a custom font. ++ Fix a bug with fonts ttf, in suspend/resume... ++ Fix 'screen.shot()', Now it works well. ++ Updated debugger with new font...
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pvc1 |
Дата: Пн, 31 Июл 2017, 14:39 | Сообщение #6 |
Высшая материя
Сообщений: 10954
Цитата Sixth official release of Lua Player Plus Vita.
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pvc1 |
Дата: Вт, 16 Янв 2018, 09:41 | Сообщение #7 |
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Сообщений: 10954
ONElua Release V4R0
Цитата - Many constants have been updated, please check the constatnts you are using with new changes on the Documentation.
- New functions for the camera module and updated incorporated constants for the module.
- Optimization of the files module (Please check our Documentation).
- The OSK (On Screen Keyboard) module has been re-written, now the OSK loads with the system language set on the PSVita.
- Fix Crash of OSK if open more 10 times.
- The OS module got new functions from wich we highlight:
os.getreg(), os.setreg() for the Registry Manager (/CONFIG/). os.saveaccount(), os.restoreaccount(), os.removeaccount() for direct management of the files of your PSN Account. - Optimization of the font module, now the default PGF and PVF font loading allows to use 3 fonts on the system: Korean, Latin and the set language font on the PSVita.
Added the possibility to load ttf, pgf or pvf fonts. - Optimization of the game module, with new attractive functions:
game.mount(), game.umount(), game.rif(),game.frif(),game.refresh(). Thanks to the_Flow. game.list(), Has been optimized so the installed apps list on the PSVita can be loaded faster. - New functions for the image module, such as which can be used to convert images to 8 Bits
- Improved audio player, now plays MP3, OGG, WAV formats, and plays from sources on the network.
- Added the possibility of Install/Update/Uninstall CustomThemes of 'LiveArea'.
- Added ONEdebugger - Real-time debugger errors in your scripts.
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pvc1 |
Дата: Чт, 08 Фев 2018, 14:24 | Сообщение #8 |
Высшая материя
Сообщений: 10954
ONElua Release V4R1 Цитата Many constants have been updated, please check the constatnts you are using with new changes on the Documentation. Added the 'adhoc' module, which allows ONElua to communicate with other consoles in the local network. Optimization of the camera, files and http module (Please review our Documentation again). ONEdebugger - Real-time debugger errors in your scripts, now support USB & FTP connection. The HTTP module received new functions among which we highlight: - http.upload() It allows uploading a file to a web server. - http.send() It allows to send binary data to a web server.
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