vitaQuake I v4.2/II v2.4
pvc1 |
Дата: Пн, 26 Окт 2015, 11:16 | Сообщение #1 |
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vitaQuake I & II
Описание: порт Quake для PS Vita. Quake - это компьютерная игра в жанре шутера от первого лица, разработанная id Software и выпущенная 22 июля 1996 года. Игра совершила прорыв в 3D технологиях, используя текстурированные полигональные модели вместо спрайтов, тем самым реализуя полностью трёхмерный мир, вместо двумерной карты с информацией о высоте (как было в Doom).
Цитата Introduction:Today i want to release my Quake port for Rejuvenate! It's based on winQuake ( and it supports both Shareware and Full version of Quake.The packet you can download here contains the free shareware version. If you want to use your full installation of Quake you just have to add pak1.pak file to id1 folder . Features:- Native 960x544 resolution! - Sound support - Support for shareware and full versions of Quake - Native support to both PSVITA analogs - Variable camera sensibility for right analog in option menu TODO List:- Add network multiplayer support - Improve sound quality - Switch to hardware GPU rendering - Add gyroscope, touch and retrotouch support Installation:- Place the id1 folder in the root of your PSVITA through FTP Vita - Launch vitaQuake - Enjoy
* vitaQuake V4.2 * VitaQuakeII v2.4 - порт от разработчика Rinnegatamante
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pvc1 |
Дата: Чт, 18 Авг 2016, 13:13 | Сообщение #2 |
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Vita Quake 2.0 - добавлен мультиплеер
Цитата This update to Vita Quake brings multiplayer support, both local and online. More than that, Vita Quake is able to connect to any native Quake or ProQuake server, of which there are multiple ones online.
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pvc1 |
Дата: Пн, 24 Окт 2016, 13:40 | Сообщение #3 |
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VitaQuake 2.1
Цитата – Added a benchmark option in the menu. – Fixed a crash caused by being out of bounds. – Fixed the IP:Port resolving problem. – Added a serverlist option in Join Game screen with a couple of multiplayer servers available. – Added a new official multiplayer server with deatmatch-only maps (Requires Full Game). – Fixed controllers vibration. Now works as intended. (PSTV only) – Merged the mod selection menu in the main app. (Hold R-Trigger once the screen is black to load it.). Any folder with pak files or a progs.dat is enough to be detected. – Added a Vsync option. (turn it off for maximum performances) – Increased the maximum text displayed on a single console line. – Fixed cshifts not correctly refreshed after dying on lava/slime/water. – Fixed a crash whenever you execute too many config files in a short time. – The console/text inputs are now using the IME keyboard, not danzeff anymore. – The front touchscreen can now be toggled between a camera or a button. – Added psvita_front_sensitivity_x , psvita_front_sensitivity_y , psvita_back_sensitivity_x , psvita_back_sensitivity_y CVARs for better controls. – Added new keys for menu: TRIANGLE to go back to the previous menu. – Fixed lots of Key problems related to other navigations. – Added L & R shoulders can be used to track back the console messages. – Adapted the ProQuake 3.40 protocol to join / create servers. – Fixed an unknown bug related to loading a solo game after playing deathmatch. – Added a “Previous Weapon” binding (bound to CIRCLE by default). – Reworked a bit the controls menu. – Fixed a BIT oversight, which made every element from the HUD out of place (invisible while invulnerable, etc…) – VitaQuake’s version (and GIT revision) is now displayed on startup, aswell as on the console. – Lots of performance boosts.
KNOWN ISSUES: – A few mods that have custom models (such as X-Men Ravages of Apocalypse or Zerstörer) crashes when starting a map.
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pvc1 |
Дата: Ср, 13 Сен 2017, 13:42 | Сообщение #4 |
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VitaQuakeII v1.0.1 - порт от разработчика Rinnegatamante
Цитата – Rescaler now works as intended. Before it didn’t really change the in-game resolution. – Now rescaler won’t cause random crashes anymore. – Now closing the homebrew from the Exit voice won’t cause a crash anymore. – Adjusted standard camera sensibility. – Fixed camera sensibility option in Options menu to make it more flexible. – Adjusted Options menu renaming some voices and removing others that didn’t do anything on the Vita port.
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pvc1 |
Дата: Пн, 22 Янв 2018, 09:14 | Сообщение #5 |
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VitaQuake 2.5 - теперь с аппаратным 3D ускорением
Цитата - The game now uses hardware (GPU) accelerated rendering powdered with vitaGL. This means that you’ll get better performance and superior image quality!!
- Many graphics effects were added to the glQuake renderer.
- VitaQuake now runs at native resolution which is 960×544 for a sharp and great-to-look-at image with a constant 60FPS framerate in most areas.
- The Game Resolution, Depth of Field, Always Run settings were removed from the menus.
- Fog Rendering, Dynamic Shadows, Dynamic Torch Lights settings were added to the menus.
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pvc1 |
Дата: Пт, 26 Янв 2018, 10:03 | Сообщение #6 |
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VitaQuake 2.6
Цитата - Reduced VPK size by removing vita2d dependency.
- Added animations interpolation: now animations are a lot more smoother (60fps vs the old 10fps animations).
- Fixed underwater visual bug. Now lightmaps are disabled when underwater.
- Moved mod manager in-game. Now can be accessed from Options menu.
- Removed brown lines at left and right of statusbar, now statusbar will take way less screen space.
- Fixed dynamic lights, now they work as intended.
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pvc1 |
Дата: Ср, 31 Янв 2018, 11:48 | Сообщение #7 |
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VitaQuake 2.7
Цитата Fixed a bug causing homebrew to crash on startup if official missionpacks where shipped in data files. Fixed a bug causing mods and missionpacks to use original Quake soundtrack. Now they use their own soundtrack files. Added launchers for official missionpacks on vitaQuake Livearea bubble. Fixed particles rendering. Now it works as intended. Fix for chase camera rendering. Now it draws the player correctly. Fix for mirrors rendering. Now they correctly reflect scene. Added Quake 3 boobing effect to pickups. Fixxed v_gamma command, now it correctly changes game brightness. Increased max texture size from 1024x1024 to 4096x4096 (sceGxm hardware limit). Added specular mode for Quake veteran challengers (gl_xflip). Re-worked Options menu to have all new vitaQuake features.
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pvc1 |
Дата: Вт, 13 Фев 2018, 14:02 | Сообщение #8 |
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VitaQuake 2.8
Цитата Improved Livearea elements (icon and startup banner), thanks to Ch3lin. Improved analogs aim and deadzone (Thanks to rsn8887). Centered end level screen score. Minor bugfix in "Show Weapon" voice not being properly ordered in Options menu. Several bugfixes in the renderer, now everything works as intended. Fix for underwater shadows, now they get rendered as expected. Added support for colored lights in .lit format. Added "Bilinear Filtering" in options menu (Enabled by default). Fixed dynamic lights coming from explosions, enemies, etc. Now they get rendered as expected
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pvc1 |
Дата: Вс, 04 Мар 2018, 20:06 | Сообщение #9 |
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VitaQuake v2.9 Цитата Fixed a bug causing a game crash when trying to invoke the keyboard in Quake console. Implemented fullbrights feature (some textures like source of lights are now rendered without being affected by shadows) [Thanks to rsn8887] Fixed mp3 support for CDAudio tracks. Now works as intended. Fixed native screenshot (SCR_ScreenShot) feature. Now works as intended. Fixed a bug randomly causing a game crash when exiting vitaQuake from main menu. Added a bar showing all available colors for shirt and pants in the Player Setup menu. Optimized code: Now game is faster and requires less RAM. Added Gyroscope support for aiming: two new options are available to manage this feature [Thanks to jakebriggs] Fixed z-fight bug. Now shadows won't clip anymore with world surfaces. Fixed camera orientation when loading a save: now camera will be orientated in the same height it was during the save. Added HUD transparency and a proper new option to manage this feature (default 0.5)
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pvc1 |
Дата: Вс, 11 Мар 2018, 18:33 | Сообщение #10 |
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VitaQuakeII v1.5 - теперь с 3D поддержкой
Цитата 3D hardware acceleration support thanks to VitaGL. This allows the game to be rendered at the Vita’s native resolution (960×544) while still giving a buttery smooth 60FPS most of the time. An FPS counter The right analogue stick is now more sensitive and precise thanks to fixes from rsn8887 and Shroom King The game can now render shadows and has an option to turn these on and off.
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