Главная » 2013 » Ноябрь » 19 » VSH PRX Loader v1.02 + 3 плагина (включая webMAN 1.14)
VSH PRX Loader v1.02 + 3 плагина (включая webMAN 1.14)
Готовая сборка обновления плагинов для просмотра файлов на PS3 HDD по FTP протоколу и удаленному монтированию игр. В архиве готовый файл для установки.


1. Ставим PKG из архива 
2. Запускаем PRX Loader из меню игра
3. После этого плагин начинает работать в фоне
4. Подключаемся к PS3 просто вбивая IP адрес в браузере компьютера или мобильного устройства
Изменения в этой версии:

* For network games:
— The first time you load a network PS3 ISO or JB/folder game the PARAM.SFO will be cached and used later for TITLE and TITLE_ID and also ICON0.PNG will be cached
— When no mM is installed / no cover is available, cached .PNG will be used for image in "My Games -> PLAYSTATION3″ folder
— PS3 ISO games will show proper title names the next time you reboot (after you loaded a net ISO at least once)

* Web browser will close as soon as possible and if mounting/loading takes more time – it will be performed in the background (so no more 2-3 seconds whitescreen)

* You can load one network game, play, load another, etc, etc, load local games/video…. All is ok until you load a PS1 network game. Once you load a network PS1 game you can only load local (hdd0/usb) games, but no more network stuff and you’ll have to reboot. I’m trying to get it to mount ps3 games after ps1 bin/iso is loaded, but still can’t. Anyway it is not that bad as it is.

In short…. Network games in folder/ISO format will show images (on next PS3 boot) after you load them at least once. Cached ICON0.PNG is saved in /dev_hdd0/tmp/wmtmp with the name of the JB/folder or the ISO name – (/net/Lego -> Lego.PNG /net/Batman.ISO -> Batman.PNG)

A quick note to those who have sync issues or can’t get the network stuff working properly: Set your PS3 to use a static IP address. Using DHCP for dynamic IP may take too much time and cause webMAN to give up on waiting for connection to your PC/NAS. I added some reasonable delays, but you can avoid all that with a static IP if applicable in your environment.

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Категория: Программы и приложения PlayStation | Просмотров: 2404 | Добавил: pvc1 | Теги: игры PS3, Фтп, multiMAN, ftp, мультимен, плагин, 4.50, бекап менеджер, plugin | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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