Главная » 2016 » Октябрь » 9 » [PSV] VPKTool v1.8
[PSV] VPKTool v1.8

Обновление утилиты для уменьшения размера файлов VPK для возможности установки по частям.

Изменения в этой версии:

  • Time to remove the beta label. All reported bugs have been fixed now. If i missed any, keep reporting, as i can't test everything, and people uses weird stuff i may have not treated apropiatelly in the code. 
  • Code clean up... this is growing fast!
  • Added prelimnary MaiDumpTool support. For now, only safety checks. Click to open may folder or drag it in the logo. Only Mai root folders, no parents no weird structures, only the [TITLE_ID] fodler. It doesn't actually need to be named [TITLE_ID].
  • For Mai mode, use the checkbox under the logo. VPKTool will remember that setting and start in the last mode you used. Default first run mode, is Vitamin VPK dumps. Check the "Mai mode" checkbox for MaiDumpTool dumps mode.
  • Mai dumps are confussing. Need to check it in depth before continue. I've seen them with and without eboot_origin.bin, with or without mai_mode folder... such a mess. Dunno if created by the dumper, or modded by people, so will check myself
  • Folders are important! Don't use odd folders like your desktop folder, root folders or any important folder for the VPKTool temporary folder. It will be wiped after certains operations!!!
  • Added a small hash calculator in the help/info panel. Proably not useful for most of you, but i needed one handy. Just drag and drop a file in the text field and you will get some hashes and some file info.

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Категория: Программы и приложения PlayStation | Просмотров: 2621 | Добавил: pvc1 | Теги: PS Vita, vpk, vpktool, Exploit, Вита, HENkaku, хен | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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