Главная » 2013 » Март » 21 » PS3 Tools Collection 2.2.3
PS3 Tools Collection 2.2.3
Очередное обновление PS3 Tools Collection до версии 2.2.0

Новое в этой версии: 

     PS2 Classics GUI 1.3.1 updated 2013-03-20!
    It's a frontend for the recently released PS2Classic tool developed by psdev-net team. The tool allows to decrypt PS2 Classics for PS3 and encrypt any PS2 to play on PS3 (fat/slim/ultra-slim).

    Special thanks to flatz, Ing Pereira, ps3dev-net team and other anonymous talented devs ;)

     PKG ContentID 2.2.1 updated 2013-03-19!
    It's a tool for view quickly the ContentID of a PKG. It also manages several file associations for a seamless integration with Windows Explorer. Please read the readme for details.

    Download: https://www.sendspace.com/file/ykylgr

    NOTE: On Windows 7, the context menu for convert RIF/RAP files is not available when you select more that 15 rif/rap files. To fix this issue download this registry fix and double click on the Fix_Context_Menu_Limited_to_15_items_on_Windows_7.reg

    2.2.1 Added support for resign of local npdrm using free license (requires to have the dev klicensee and rap).
    The rifkey and dev_klic (when available in dev_klic.txt) are now displayed in the rap viewer.
    Includes the new BruteForce Edat that uses BuC's dev klicensee validator (dklic_validator).
    2.1.5 Fixed issue not resigning NPDRM sprx files with original klicensee, addressed issue converting several RIF/RAP files on Windows 7.
    2.1.3 Added "Convert to Homebrew Package" to .self/.bin context menu. This option creates a PKG with a copy of the .self/eboot.bin renamed as RELOAD.SELF and signed as a retail self, and a npdrm EBOOT.BIN that calls the RELOAD.SELF.
    Once the PKG is installed, the XMB application can be launched directly from multiMAN's menu. Credits to deank

    Special thanks to naehrwert, flatz, BuC, acab, PatrickBatman and many others ;)

     PS3 Game Updates 3.0.2 updated 2013-03-19!
    This application downloads PS3 and PSP/PSVita game updates and patches.

    -Support concurrent queued downloads. new feature!
    -The title id field accepts many formats of title id (eg: title id with/without dash, content id, URL of pkgs, etc).
    -Search updates by name of the game.
    -The title id field also accepts the path of GAMES or the IP of the PS3 (to scan multiple games).
    -Show game patches 3.56+ in a different color (pink). 
    -Auto-detects game patches already downloaded (search in PS3_UPDATE, PS3_EXTRAS, and in the default download path) and show them in gray.
    -Asks for confirmation to download patches 3.56 or higher. Required firmware version is appended to the name of the file.
    -Show game cover and game description even if the game does not have updates.
    -Auto-fix downloaded PKGs that required firmware 3.60

    Скачать и обсудить можно здесь
Категория: Программы и приложения PlayStation | Просмотров: 3100 | Добавил: pvc1 | Теги: tools collection, aldostools, pc utils, Пк, ps3 утилиты | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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