Главная » 2013 » Январь » 15 » PS3 Tools Collection 2.0.58
PS3 Tools Collection 2.0.58
Обновление набора утилит от aldostools под номером 2.0.58

Изменения в этой версии:

- PS3 Game Integrity 1.3: PKG content authetication and a MD5 database that helps to identify potentially corrupted RAP/edat files.
- PKG ContentID 2.0: PKG Authentication feature that verifies the SHA-1 for the content of the PKG and RAP/edat files authetication.
- PS3 Cheats Editor 2.4.2: This version includes a cheats database for 500 games compiled by gingerbread
- Bruteforce Save Data 2.1: new "Rebuild" with full or partial options, updated the database with secure_file_id for more than 750 games (over 3150 title ids). Added a new "date" column and "Restore" feature.

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Категория: Программы и приложения PlayStation | Просмотров: 1588 | Добавил: pvc1 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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