Главная » 2014 » Июль » 17 » [PS2] FMCB v1.94 Installer
[PS2] FMCB v1.94 Installer

Обновление установщика FMCB до версии 1.94, позволяющего запускать софт напрямую с карты памяти без модчипов почти на любых версиях приставок, в т.ч и нечипованных. 

Изменения в этой версии:

  • Corrected the stack address of all cores (FMCB main core, MBR and EE ELF loader). 
  • Corrected the buffer overflow bug within the OSD history updating function. 
  • Added an additional IOP reset for the PSX to load the standard PS2 modules into the IOP, since that the the reinitialization of libcdvd seemed to cause the CD/DVD drive to strangely malfunction. 
  • Restructured the initialization code, for better integration of #3. 
  • The CD/DVD drive boot certification code has been replaced with a simpler one that was copied from the Sony OSD. 
  • Updated to be compilable with the latest PS2SDK revision. 
  • Compiled with the latest PS2SDK revision for enhanced stability. 
  • The IOP will now be reset for programs that are loaded from the HDD. Sony does this, presumably to clear the IOP of modules like DEV9 (or in our case, hack'ish stuff like IOMANX), which would cause problems if loaded twice. 
  • Standardized the crt0 module's argument buffer size for the EE ELF loader, FMCB core and main body. 
  • Corrected region handling for when an unsupported regions. 
  • Fixed the default language selection, for export consoles that have the language set to Japanese (usually caused by having a dead battery) or some bogus setting. 


Изменения в установщике:

  • обновлено для возможности компилирования с помощью последней ревизии PS2SDK.
  • скомпилировано с последней ревизией PS2SDK для улучшения стабильности.

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Категория: Программы и приложения PlayStation | Просмотров: 2225 | Добавил: pvc1 | Теги: фрибут, FMCB, запуск с карты памяти, Free MC Boot, PS2 FMCB, Free Memory Card Boot | Рейтинг: 5.0/1

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