Главная » 2013 » Март » 4 » Iris Manager v2.20
Iris Manager v2.20
Обновился бекап менеджер Iris Manager до версии 2.20


- New payload v8 syscall eliminating the syscall 36 and used instead to 8 redirections. The syscall 8 works in a hidden in applications, thus respecting the other use that gives the syscall 8 in certain firmwares (LV1 Peek)
- Added Multiman method for disc-less from / APP_HOME (thanks for commenting DeanK how it works). This increases the compatibility.
- Added patched explore_plugin.sprx method to launch the games from road / dev_bdvd when selecting / app_home/PS3_GAME. This method connects when "No Controller BDVD” and requires that each CFW patched module (see explore_plugin_notes.txt within patch_tools_libfs_exploreplugin.rar). Grid is a game thus far.
- Fixed all (fucking) problems and other productions, as authentication based disks using CFW 3.41, 3.55, 4.21 and 4.31 (yes, I’ve been to them all)
- Now HDD0 mounts are safer, both for the method how it can be accessed only "/ dev_bdvd” in reading.
- Added ability to restart by pressing TRIANGLE on the main screen
- Iris Manager now works in two ways, thinking about those who have BDVD operational unit and the voiceless.
- New homelaunc1 (must install because the former will not work)
- This is a summary of the disk operating modes:

Available options:

Requires Disco:

- With controller, disk not only asks "Yes” if no blocking routes / APP_HOME. This may prevent it from interfering with games.
- No Controller: obviously hard but never require it to "No” will be provided / APP_HOME (some games with trophies bug report, if this option is set to no). For riding HDD0 is protected.

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Категория: Программы и приложения PlayStation | Просмотров: 1925 | Добавил: pvc1 | Теги: ps3 backups, ps3 backup, iris manager, game manager, PS3 CFW, ps3 hacks | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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