13:34 GameSonic Manager Stealth | |
Бекап менеджер от итальянских разработчиков Orion и Mussonero, использующий наработки Iris Manager. Это стелс версия. Пояснения к этой версии: Some thought that I would not have supported the release of stealth Gamesonic Manager, but it is not so, why do not I proceeded to update the Stealth Replacement or Vidzone Replacement is simple: They were not true stealth app as They continued to save files in the internal HDD and sony Readily could find them, but not anymore. Thanks to the brilliant idea of the developer haxxxen (you can see here ) and mamba autoloader Developer NZV I realized this new stealth version that starts, through a modified version of me payload mamba, voice app_home / PS3_GAME, as did the toolbox of Rogero, and saves all file configuration on a USB device connected to the PS3 (/ dev_usb000 /) leaving the XMB clean. ** Important Note ** Guide:
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