Главная » 2017 » Март » 13
Обновление многофункционального плагина webMAN от aldostools.

Изменения в этой версии:

  • Prevent re-mount of NTFS devices if ftp is transferring to ntfs
  • Close browser when mounting games
  • NTFS files now are shown with the proper file date (thanks to @freddy38510)
  • NTFS & NETISO games now are mounted with external plugins [Thanks to @deank]

    - This fixes the freeze of the console when a 2nd PSXISO was mounted & played from ps3netsrv
    - The plugins raw_iso.sprx & netiso.sprx now are located in /dev_hdd0/tmp/wm_res
    - Reduced in approx. 10KB the footprint of webftp_server.sprx

  • NTFS drives now are checked & remounted if necessary every time that the root folder is listed in FTP/web
  • PASV mode in FTP now retries up to 250 ports (instead of 10)
  • wm_proxy.sprx now is located in /dev_hdd0/tmp/wm_res
  • Reduced the CD cache size from 64 to 48 sectors and the memory usage from 192KB to 128KB
  • Increased NTFS cache from 1 to 8 pages and from 8 to 16 sectors per cache

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    Категория: Программы и приложения PlayStation | Просмотров: 5836 | Добавил: dw_tn 13 Мар 2017 в 09:12 | Комментарии (0)