Главная » 2016 » Ноябрь » 30

Очередной бета-релиз Open PS2 Loader ревизии 974

Изменения в последних релизах:

  • r974: changes made by akuhak
    Optimized makefiles. (#24)
    * Optimized makefiles.
    Synced with mainstream ps2sdk:
    * Clear USB Mass Storage Device status to 0 at initialization-time (8997094)
    * Changed UsbMassRegisterCallback to call the callback once if a device is connected (cf385c0)
    * Test travis
    * Test travis 2.

  • r973:
    The following changes were made:
    @shaolinassassin: GUI layout fix: compatibility with lang files restored (NOTE: partial merge, not all changes were added to the OPL Daily Builds repo).
    uyjulian : clang-format again.
    uyjulian : Fix readme to be in markdown format.
    uyjulian : consise templates..
    doctorxyz : GSM Core gardening.
    uyjulian : fix spacing, links, and wording in readme.
    @sp193: SMB fix, when no share name is specified (Network config-> SMB Share > Share -> Leave empty to list shares)
    Jay-Jay : a few custom changes to some files and also lang updates for OPL Daily Builds repo.

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    Категория: Программы и приложения PlayStation | Просмотров: 3389 | Добавил: pvc1 30 Ноя 2016 в 12:00 | Комментарии (0)