Вышли новые версии плеера SMS и менеджера файлов uLaunchELF
SMS 2.9 (rev.2) :
- refactored I/O code (got rid of iomanX/fileXio stuff). This is actually
a first step to the new I/O subsystem that I am planning to implement;
- fixed glitch in 1080i video mode;
- fixed power off problem;
- chanaged A/V synchronization code yet again in order to prevent application
lock-up for badly interleaved .avi files;
- added functionality to configure "reset" button action (power-off/exit) in
"SMS menu -> Browser settings";
uLaunchELF v4.35:
-Merged in the latest USBHDFSD version by radad (SVN rev 1513) to further improve compatibility
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