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PS3 Cloud Drive
[ Скачать с сервера (3.54 Mb) ] 28 Июн 2013, 08:42
Разработчик M.H.A.Q.S выпустил консольную версию программы для работы с облачным сервисом Google


- The application works with Google Drive. You will need a Google account to use it.
- Google Drive comes with 15GB of free space compared to PS Plus’s 1GB.
- Remote Authorization through "OAuth 2 for Devices” does not need you to give application any of your personal information.
- Bi-Directional Sync is possible. The application will sync your saves to the cloud and will download them to your hard drive.
- Resume support is present and you can quit the application any time you want. The app will pick up from where it left off.
- Resumable uploads and partial responses are supported.
- Save Revision and pinning/sticky support.
- Save Difference and update will only sync data that has changed to cut bandwidth usage.
- gzip compression for faster transfers. This is to save bandwidth on those ridiculously big "replays” and saves from some games.

Как использовать: Аутентификация

- Authentication is a one time process and you do not need to repeat it unless you delete the app or wipe your ps3s hard drive.
- Download the "PlayStation 3 Cloud Drive" at the bottom of this post.
- Install it on your PS3. This app has been tested on various firmwares up to 4.41 CFW including (DEX/REX).
- Run the app and it will generate a code for you. It will also prompt you tovisit http://www.google.com/device
- Visit the above url on your computer/smart phone and enter the codegiven by the application. You must be signed into a - Google account for verification.
- Click "Allow Access” to register your account with the app.
- The PS3 will automatically detect the authentication as soon as you finish registration.
- Once the authentication completes, the application will start building data and syncing game-saves to the cloud

Как использовать: Главное

- Every time you run the application, it will detect and sync changes to the cloud automatically.
- You can press the "X” button to cancel the sync at any time. But let the application finish the current transfer. If you force quit it, there’s a chance of corrupting data.
Категория: Системный софт | Добавил: pvc1 | Теги: cloud drive, ps3 cloud drive, облачный сервис, драйв, облако, гугл драйв, Cloud, save cloud, cloud save
Просмотров: 3438 | Загрузок: 1155 | Комментарии: 1 | Рейтинг: 5.0/4

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