Обновление многофункционального менеджера multiMAN. Это полноценный релиз, а не обновление. Ставится на любую старую версию.
Изменения в этой версии:
- Fixed issues when using more than one external USB HDD on Cobra CFWs (4.46-4.66+)
- Fixed issues with homebrew locks/blackscreen/invalid-discs and other weird errors (CFW 4.65CEX/DEX and 4.66CEX)
- Removed habib's patches and added two different ones to improve compatibility
- JB games from FAT32 USB HDDs will be mounted as /dev_usb (and not as /dev_usb***) - this issue appeared in CFW 4.20. /dev_usb is always the first usb hdd which the ps3 manages to mount. When it happens that your game is not on the first/fastest usb hdd it caused problems. "Reset USB Bus" was introduced to multiMAN more than a year ago, but it is now added to mmCM, too, without actual reset of the bus.
- Новая структура pkg (на 33% меньше)