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multiMAN Retro Tools v0.07 Beta 3
[ Скачать с сервера (1.18 Mb) ] 17 Июл 2011, 11:08

Программа для подготовки ROMов и обложек к ним для использования в MultiMAN

Возможности программы:

- Automatic ROM scanning for supported systems.
- Support ROM recognition for: NES, SNES, Genesis, VBA (GB, GBC, GBA).
- ZIP verification when needed, ensuring it contains a valid ROM.
- Single ROM adding and removing from list.
- Individual cover assigment feature for each listed ROM.
- Ability to clear cover assigment for a selected ROM.
- PNG and JPG covers support.
- HQ Covers preview with proper Aspect Ratio calculation.
- Automatic renaming of cover images to match the ROM sets.
- Automatic generation of Covers .PKG files ready to be installed in the PS3 / multiMAN.
- Automatic generation of ROMs .PKG files ready to be installed in the PS3 / multiMAN.
- Project creation for each supported system.
- Project saving and loading.
- Detailed project information, with total ROMs, Covers and total size.
- ROM existence verification when opening projects.
- Shortcut keys for easier navigation and editing.
- Options to configure each specific job.
- Browse / Manage cover images without using Windows shell.
- Unpack / decompress .PKG files without need of any external tool (ported from Fail0verflow GNU source)
- Configure Covers directories for the supported systems (SNES, GENESIS, NES, VBA)
- Search / Filter Covers list based on input text.
- Browse / Manage ROMs without using Windows shell.
- Search / Filter of ROMs at Project and ROMs tabs based on user text input.

Изменения в этой версии:

- Added feature to Search / Filter items at ROMs tab, now all list can be searched / filtered.
- Fixed bug when scanning for ROMs if the first verified extension was not found,
it would stop checking for other supported extensions.

* Thanks to 'sublimemovement' for reporting problems when scanning ROMs.

Категория: Для ПК | Добавил: pvc1
Просмотров: 5087 | Загрузок: 1255 | Рейтинг: 3.0/1

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