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SNES Station v0.2.6b
[ Скачать с сервера (733.8 Kb) ] 02 Ноя 2016, 16:01

Обновление эмулятора SNES для консоли PS2 от разработчика Pinguinoctis. Мод основан на версии Megaman SNES Station.

Изменения в этой версии:

  • Finally I updated all the IRX modules with the latest ones (since I managed to update my PS2SDK).
  • Added a Cheat Mode in MISC folder, during cheat mode, instead of running a game you can enable/disable single cheats, so now cheat names are important.
  • Added an option to show file extensions inside MISC folder, it's enabled by default.
  • Added an option to show cover art in MISC folder! All you have to do is to copy a 128x128 JPG image together with a game and be sure that it has the same name as it.

*Please note*: I used the NanoJPEG decoder and it has some limitations! Progressive and lossless JPGs won't work!

  • To avoid confusion between files I restored the file filter as it had to be.
  • While adding the cover art support I had to fix even HUGE memory bugs in the emulator itself! Memory chunks got corrupted and they were never freed. That is to say, if you ran a game a lot of times SNES Station could crash. Now it should work fine, I hope!
  • This mod now has dependency only on the fileXio library, so the ELF size is reduced.
  • Removed the experimental support for video modes, as of now I can't get it right.
Категория: Эмуляторы | Добавил: pvc1 | Теги: ps2 homebrew, ps2 emulator, snes station, snes, emulator, супер нинтендо, super nintendo
Просмотров: 7365 | Загрузок: 2411 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1

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