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GS Mode Selector v0.36
[ Скачать с сервера (83.6 Kb) ] 15 Мар 2011, 20:11

Самая новая версия за номером 0.36 от 26.02.2011

Изменения в этой версии:

(This release was prepared by me having in mind both GSM standalone neeeded code improvements and future OPL integration)
- Simplified OSD: buttons for video modes, SELECT for launch method, PAD for X and Y-axis offset and START to launch
- In order to avoid gsKit issues, now GSM only is enabled only after selecting video mode, launch method and pressing START
- Optimized C and ASM source code, many comments were rewritten
- Fixed the access trap mask method to trap GS registers for all kernel segments
- Implemented x-axis and y-axis offset inside core for better fine tuning on special cases
- Always enabled: Automatic adaptation, DISPLAYx fix, SMODE2 fix and SYNCV fix
- Main routines names changed from ModdedSetGsCrt to Hook_SetGsCrt and from DisplayHandler to GSHandler
- Improved compatibility: Re-enable GSHandler whenever Hook_SetGsCrt is called
- Other improvements/adjustment I can't remember for now
(some releases were skipped intentionally, they are used only on doctorxyz private development/testing)

Категория: Display утилиты | Добавил: pvc1
Просмотров: 6190 | Загрузок: 2342 | Комментарии: 1 | Рейтинг: 5.0/2

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