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MAX Codelist Manager 2.1
[ Скачать с сервера (385.7 Kb) ] 15 Мар 2008, 21:11
Самая новая версия менеджера для работы с кодлистами ARMAX на ПК от 13.03.2008

- Added the ability to import codes from the MaxSettings\arsettings.dat file (stored on the MAX Drive by AR MAX EVO), and from .max files (created if you copy a codelist.bin to your memory card and then back to your MAX Drive). This means that you can "rescue" any codes manually entered on your PS2.
- Added a backup codelist server, which is used if the CodeJunkies server could not be contacted (for whatever reason). Note however that I'm making no promises to keep this up to date :-)
Категория: Cheat утилиты | Добавил: pvc1
Просмотров: 3995 | Загрузок: 1843 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1

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