droidMAN 0.92
It is now possible to organize
your games by Genre (15 genres
A long press on a game cover
brings a context menu with two
options, set Favorite and set
It is possible to choose between
two themes for droidMAN (Dark/
Corrected the bug which
prevented notifications from
working on Android 4.2 ( @ Metion
can you please test this point and
report? Thanks)
Added Metacritic and Wikipedia
to the links in the Game View
(Thanks @ aldostools for the
The game database is no longer
reseted when you click on
Refresh, to reset your configs
(genres, favorites,launches count)
please use the clear cache option
in the settings
Updates v0.93
Hello all! The new droidMAN 0.93
is now compatible with android
Check the new link, with updated screenshots:
https://sdrv.ms/1df2zRv @ plasticos201193 can you please
test it on your Gingerbread device,
thank you.
@ Jogabandito the notifications
text format showing on the PS3 is
not related to droidMAN, sorry.