-CA27.cer, dev_blind.pkg, fuckPsn-v0.9.exe from -OpenPS3FTP v1.3 or later, you can download 1.5 from Installation
1. Install dev_blind.pkg and OpenPS3FTP on your PS3 (using FTP, external
USB or what else)
2. Launch dev_blind and make it mount the flash
3. Open OpenPS3FTP
4. Connect via FTP to PS3 (using username root and password openbox )
5. Go to /dev_blind/data/cert
6. Rename CA27.cer to CA27.cer.bak
7. Put my CA27.cer as /dev_blind/data/cert/CA27.cer
8. Set the PS3's PRIMARY and SECONDARY DNS server to your PC's IP
9. Reboot your PS3
10. Start fuckPsn-v0.7.exe
11. Enjoy with PSN
If you have followed the OLD guide you need to rename the original
CA27.cer to CA27.cer.bak and (my) CA24.cer to CA27.cer
and you have to restore the old CA24.cer , by renaming
CA24.cer.bak to CA24.cer
This is needed since some games use the original CA24.cer
If you lost original cert, you can take it