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кто во что сейчас играет...

Dead Дата: Чт, 07 Янв 2010, 16:47 | Сообщение #281
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я только что прошёл star wars the forse uliashed для psp очень впечатлило тем более я фанат звездных войн теперь вот gta vice city stories решил попробовать. только вот блин скачал кривой рип. вся музыка отсутствует и сильно претормаживает но играть можно. если кто знает ссылку на торрент дайте пожалуста. только желательно чтобы игра на русском была.

Ты настоящий мужчина. Если у тебя есть сердце, яйца и стиль.
Kastl Дата: Чт, 07 Янв 2010, 17:52 | Сообщение #282
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Quote (Dead)
если кто знает ссылку на торрент дайте пожалуста

я ЭТО качал

Добавлено (07.01.10, 17:52)
все на русском, хоть и CSO но ничего не тормозит и музыка тоже

PSP Slim & Lite 2008 Piano Black
PlayStation Vita 3g/wi-fi рсн-1108
PlayStation 3 Slim CECH-4208C PAL 500GB OFW 4.60
M@ri0 Дата: Пн, 11 Янв 2010, 00:26 | Сообщение #283
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Quote (The_REAL)
мне этого не понять Как в это вообще играть можно... ужас

не кто не понимает пока не попробуют

[PS2 90008]+[FreeMC Boot]+[MemoryCard 8Mb]+[DualShok2]
[Xbox360 Falcon, Hitachi Ixtreme 1.51]+[MemoryUnit 256Mb]+[VGA cable]

Kastl Дата: Пн, 11 Янв 2010, 05:21 | Сообщение #284
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Quote (The_REAL)
Call of Duty 6: MW2 - таки решил закатать болванку, а вдруг.. вдруг не случилось, все тупо заскриптовано, все это мы уже видели в первой части(( кароч сингл скучен... графика хорошая разве что.

а мне сильно понравился, ни чем не хуже первой части.

PSP Slim & Lite 2008 Piano Black
PlayStation Vita 3g/wi-fi рсн-1108
PlayStation 3 Slim CECH-4208C PAL 500GB OFW 4.60
The_REAL Дата: Пн, 11 Янв 2010, 17:37 | Сообщение #285
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Quote (Kastl)
а мне сильно понравился, ни чем не хуже первой части.

в первой части выдержал больше, уровня 2 аж прошел biggrin А тут тут буквально после 2-х чекпоинтов захотелось выкинуть sad Нет, не то что плохо, просто одно и тоже уже 6 частей, ток графику улучшают... вообще лучше 1-й части на ПК так ниче и нет wink

«Тебя никто не любит. Тебя все ненавидят. Но они окажутся в проигрыше в итоге... Улыбнись ублюдок!» ©
vincent Дата: Пн, 11 Янв 2010, 18:29 | Сообщение #286
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На днях, таки, поднял Rygar, "папу Бога Войны" smile , по рекомендации dimmа. Поиграл совсем чуть-чуть, до первых титанов, или коллосов х.з., вообщем - боссов, и не могу пока адекватно оценить на сколько игра удалась в целом. Но на первый взгляд Rygar мне показалась - достаточно качественной игрой, кстати от ТECMO!!! (Project ZerO), конечно не дотягивающей до GoW, хотя ИМХО - Бог Войны достаточно взял от данного продукта. При всей внешней схожести игры конешно же имеют некоторые различия :D.
Видимо в GoW и управление получше, и визуально она побогаче, в Rygar же персонажи победней полигончиками, и анимация глав. героя не идеальна (здесь, имхо, движения гл. героя более буратинско-деревяненнькие biggrin ). Сюда же можно добавить и некоторых врагов-монстриков, выполненных в чисто японской манере.
Геймплей игр схож, но конечно же нет того куража, как, например в GoW 2 - Rygar помедленнее. Как-то не получается отнести Rygar к слэшерам. Брутальности чтоли не достаёт. biggrin А глав. герою - харизмы. Сюжет игры, если я правильно понял, так же повествует о войне греческих Богов с Титанами, но и здесть, создатели не придерживались, так скурпулезно как в GoW, соответствия греческой мифологии, что вобщем-то характерено для японских игроделов. Так же не будем забывать какого года игра.

SCPH-50004/MODBO 4.0(прош.MI-1.82)

Kastl Дата: Пн, 11 Янв 2010, 21:26 | Сообщение #287
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Quote (The_REAL)
Нет, не то что плохо, просто одно и тоже уже 6 частей, ток графику улучшают... вообще лучше 1-й части на ПК так ниче и нет

а я в другие не играл smile
И как понять одно и то же? В предыдущих же про вторую мировую речь идет? (из-за этого и не играл, не очень вторю мировую люблю)
Какие ще части есть на современный лад? Или что подобное вообще есть? Меня серия зацепила сильно. Мне все понравилось в первой и почти все во второй

PSP Slim & Lite 2008 Piano Black
PlayStation Vita 3g/wi-fi рсн-1108
PlayStation 3 Slim CECH-4208C PAL 500GB OFW 4.60
Revers Дата: Чт, 30 Май 2024, 23:59 | Сообщение #288
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Играю в игры  из списка ниже, но по 10 сек в каждую )) Собираю RUS сборник, лучших озвучек. Если есть советы и предложения , то пишите сразу пока не загрузил архив.орг Переделывать потом подводные камни мне будет влом. Думаю из этих отберётся, лучших по рейту 300-350 игр.

Ссылка на скачивание: 


187 - Ride or Die из arhive org .iso
Ace Combat 5 The Unsung War Simulation Project Aces 2004 (84)(8.9).chd
Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, The - Boy Genius - Attack of the Twonkies [FULL RUS] Adventure [SLUS-20887] [NTSC]THQ 2004 (65)(8.1) PS2.iso
Aero Elite [FULL RUS RePack by DivergentFour NTSC] Simulation [SLUS-20614] PS2 Sega AM2 2003 (64)(7.5).iso
Age of Empires II The Age of Kings [RUS TEKST PAL-M] RTS [SLES-50282] Ensemble Studios 2001 (84)(8.8).iso
Agent Hugo - Hula Holiday Platformer Attractive Games 2008 -.chd
Agent Hugo - Lemoon Twist [FULL RUS PAL-R] Platformer [SLES-54919] Platformer Coyote Console 007 -.chd
Alias [Full RUS Multi4 PAL] Action Adventure [SLES-51821] Пиратка PS2 Acclaim Studios Cheltenham 2004 (64)(6.0).iso
Aliens Versus Predator Extinction [RUS TEKST PAL-E] [SLES-51792] Strategy Zono Inc. 2003 (64)(7.2).chd
Alone in the Dark The New Nightmare Rus Survival Spiral House 2001 (66)(7.7).chd
Altered Beast [RUS TEKST PAL-M] [SLES-53024] Beat-'Em-Up Wow Entertainment Release Canceled.chd
Animaniacs The Great Edgar Hunt [RUS TEKST PAL-M] Platformer [SLES-52729] Warthog Canceled (65)(-).chd
Area 51 [FULL RUS NTSC] Shooter [SLUS-20595] Midway Studios - Austin 2005 (72)(7.8) PS2.iso
Armored Core - Nine Breaker [RUS ENG NTSC-U] Simulation [SLUS-21200] From Software 2005 (57)(8.6) [PS2].chd
Armored Core 2 [RUS TEKST PAL-E] [SLES-50079] Simulation From Software 2000 (78)(8.5).chd
Armored Core 3 [Full RUS PAL-E] Simulation [SLES-51399] [Megera]From Software 2002 (74)(8.7) [PS2].chd
Army Men - Air Attack 2 [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] [SLUS-20004] Flight 3DO 2001 (75)(8.2).chd
Army Men - RTS [FULL RUS NTSC] Strategy [SLUS-20206] Pandemic Studios 2002 (68)(6.6).iso
Asterix & Obelix Kick Buttix (Sony PlayStation 2, 2004) [RUS TEKST NTSC] Beat-'Em-Up [SLUS-20866] Etranges Libellules 2004 (59)(8.2).iso
ATV Offroad Fury 4 ВЫРЕЗАТЬ ЗАГРУЗЧИК [PAL][RUS TEKST] Racing [RePack]Climax Studios 2006 (77)(8.8).iso
Avatar - The Last Airbender Into the Inferno (2008) [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Action Adventure [SLUS-21804] THQ Studio Australia (53)(6.8).chd
Baldurs Gate - Dark Alliance [SLES-50672] Role-Playing [RUS][ViT Co.] Snowblind Studios 2001 (87)(8.5).cso
Baldurs Gate - Dark Alliance II [SLUS-20675] Role-Playing [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] [ViT Co.] Black Isle Studios 2004 (78)(8.5).cso
Bard's Tale [FULL RUS PAL-M] Western-Style [PBPX-95520] InXile Entertainment 2004 (75)(7.5).chd
Barnyard [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Action [SLUS-21277] Blue Tongue Entertainment 2006 (65)(5.8).iso
Batman Begins [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Linear [SLUS-21198] Eurocom 2005 (65)(7.5).chd
Battlefield 2 Modern Combat Rus Shooter Digital Illusions 2006 (77)(7.2).chd
Ben 10 - Alien Force - Vilgax Attacks [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Action [SLUS-21921] Papaya Studio 2009 (61)(8.8).chd
Ben 10 Alien Force [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Beat-'Em-Up [SLUS-21815] Monkey Bar Games 2008 (45)(7.8).chd
Beyond Good & Evil [Full RUS NTSC-U] Action Adventure [Buka][SLUS-20763] Ubisoft Montpellier 2003 (84)(8.6) PS2.iso
Black [SLUS-21376] Shooter [Full RUS NTSC-U] Criterion Games 2006 (77)(8.0).chd
Blood Omen 2 - Legend of Kain [SLES-50771] Survival [FULL RUS PAL-E] Crystal Dynamics 2002 (76)(7.8).iso
BloodRayne [FULL RUS NTSC-U] Third-Person [SLUS-20461] Terminal Reality 2002 (76)(8.1).chd
BloodRayne 2 [Full RUS NTSC] Third-Person [RetroGaming][Бука] [RETROGAMING][PS2] [SLUS-20862] Terminal Reality 2004 (71)(8.8).iso
Bloody Roar 4 Rus Fighting Eighting 2003 (59)(8.6).chd
Bolt Вольт Disney [FULL PRO RUS PAL-R] Adventure [SLES-55431] Avalanche Software 2008 (57)(6.7) PS2.iso
Bouncer,The ВЫРЕЗАТЬ ЗАГРУЗЧИК (SCES-50241) Beat-'Em-Up (RUS TEKST) (NORG) DreamFactory 2001 (66)(7.4).iso
Brothers in Arms Earned in Blood Rus Shooter Gearbox Software 2005 (85)(8.5).chd
Brothers in Arms Road to Hill 30 Rus Shooter Gearbox Software 2005 (88)(7.9).chd
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Chaos Bleeds Rus Beat-'Em-Up Eurocom 2003 (72)(8.8).chd
Bujingai - The Forsaken City RUS Beat-'Em-Up Taito Corporation 2004 (72)(7.9).chd
Bully [RUS TEKST [NTSC-U] Open-World [SLUS-21269] Rockstar Vancouver 2006 (87)(8.8).chd
Burnout 3 - Takedown Rus Racing Criterion Games 2004 (94)(7.8).iso
Burnout Reveng RUS Racing Criterion Games 2005 (89)(8.5).chd
Buzz! Junior - Jungle Party БЕЗ ПУЛЬТА НЕ СТАРТУЕТ PAL-M [SCES-54220].iso
Call of Duty - World at War - Final Fronts [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Shooter [SLUS-21746] Rebellion 2008 -.chd
Call of Duty 2 - Big Red One [RUS TEKST NTSC] Shooter [SLUS-21228] Treyarch 2005 (78)(5.2).chd
Call of Duty 3 Rus Shooter Treyarch 2006 (82)(6.7).chd
Call of Duty Finest Hour [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Shooter [SLUS-20725] Spark Unlimited 2004 (73)(7.4).chd
Cars - Race-O-Rama [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Racing [SLUS-21883] Incinerator Games 2009 (54)(6.7)].chd
Castlevania - Curse Of Darkness [SLES-53755] [RUS][ViT Co.+PSCD.RU] Action Adventure Konami 2005 (70)(8.2).cso
Castlevania - Lament of Innocence [FULL RUS NTSC-U] Action Adventure 4pda [SLUS-20733] KCET 2003 (79)(8.5).chd
Champions Return to Arms [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Action RPG [SLUS-20973] Snowblind Studios 2005 (77)(8.2).chd
Chaos Legion [FULL RUS NTSC-U] Action Adventure [SLUS-20695] Capcom 2003 (65)(7.8).chd
Chicken Little (Full Rus)текст+озвучка Platformer Avalanche Software 2005 (60)(8.5).chd
Chicken Little Ace In Action (Full Rus)текст+озвучка Third-Person Avalanche Software 2006 (66)(-).chd
Chronicles of Narnia The - Prince Caspian [FullRUS]Action Adventure [SLUS-21756] [Новый Диск] [Bambuch0 fix] Traveller's Tales 2008 (5.6)(7.1).iso
Chronicles of Narnia, The - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Action Adventure Traveller's Tales 2005 (68)(8.3).chd
Codename - Kids Next Door - Operation - V.I.D.E.O.G.A.M.E [FULL RUS PAL-M] Platformer [SLES-53812] High Voltage Software 2005 (49)(7.8).chd
Colin McRae Rally 04 Rus Racing Codemasters 2003 (84)(8.2).chd
Commandos 2 - Men of Courage [FULL RUS NTSC-U] [SLUS-20086 RTS Pyro Studios 2002 (67)(7.1)].chd
Conan - The Dark Axe [FULL PRO RUS PAL-M] [GOOGLE]Action RPG [SLES-52451] Cauldron Ltd. 2004 -.chd
Conflict - Vietnam Third-Person Pivotal Games 2004 (60)(7.5).chd
Conflict Desert Storm II - Back to Baghdad Third-Person Pivotal Games 2003 (70)(8.3).chd
Constantine [FULL RUS PAL-M] Action Adventure [SLES-52872] Bits Studios 2005 (60)(7.3).chd
Contra - Shattered Soldier [RUS TEKST PAL-M] Platformer-2D [SLES-51284] KCET 2002 (78)(6.4).chd
Crash - Mind Over Mutant [FULL PRO RUS PAL-R] Platformer [SLES-55206] Radical Entertainment 2008 (60)(6.3).chd
Crash Bandicoot The Wrath of Cortex [FULL Russian] Platformer [Kudos]Traveller's Tales 2001 (66)(7.3).chd
Crash Nitro Kart Racing Vicarious Visions 2003 (69)(7.9).chd
Crash of the Titans [SLES-54843] Action [Full PRO RUS PAL-R] [SoftClub]Radical Entertainment 2006 (65)(6.5).chd
Crash Tag Team Racing Racing Radical Entertainment 2005 (66)(7.7).chd
Crash Twinsanity [RUS TEKST NTSC] Platformer [SLUS-20909] Traveller's Tales Oxford Studio 2004 (64)(8.4).chd
Crazy Frog Racer [RUS TEKST] Racing Neko Entertainment 2005 -.chd
Crazy Taxi [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Racing [SLUS-20202] Acclaim Studios Cheltenham 2001 (59)(7.2).chd
Crimson Sea 2 (РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ) Third-Person PS2 Koei 2004 (75)(8.1) (rus).iso
Da Vinci Code, The Action Adventure The Collective 2006 (54)(8.1).chd
Dark Cloud [RUS TEKST PAL-M] RPG [SCES-50295] Level 5 2001 (80)(8.0).chd
Dark Cloud 2 [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Role-Playing [SCUS-97213] Level 5 2003 (87)(8.5).chd
Darkwatch [FULL RUS NTSC] Shooter [SLUS-21042] (Devil Soft) High Moon Studios 2005 (75)(8.0).chd
Dead or Alive 2 Fighting Team Ninja 2000 -.chd
Dead to Rights [RUS TEKST PAL] Third-Person [SLES-51581] Namco 2002 (73)(7.8).iso
Def Jam - Fight for New York [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Fighting [SLUS-21004] Aki Corp. 2004 (83)(8.8).chd
Def Jam Vendetta ШУМ ЗВУК Wrestling Aki Corp. 2003 (80)(8.6).chd
Destroy All Humans! Rus Action Adventure Pandemic Studios 2005 (76)(8.2).chd
Deus Ex Rus Action Adventure Ion Storm 2002 (90)(9.1).chd
Devil May Cry [FULL RUS PAL-M] [SLES-50358] Fixed psxplanet Action Adventure Capcom 2001 (94)(8.5).chd
Devil May Cry 2 [Dante Disc] Action Adventure Capcom 2003 (68)(6.3).chd
Devil May Cry 2 [Lucia Disc] Action Adventure Capcom 2003 (68)(6.3).chd
Devil May Cry 3 - Dante's Awakening [Special Edition] [FULL RUS NTSC-U] Action Adventure [SLUS-21361] Capcom 2005 (84)(9.1).chd
Die Hard - Vendetta Shooter Bits Studios 2003 (54)(7.0).chd
Dino Stalker [Full RUS ENG NTSC-U] Light Gun [SLUS-20485] TOSE 2002 (50)(6.2).chd
Disgaea - Hour of Darkness Turn-Based Nippon Ichi Software 2003 (84)(8.2).chd
Disgaea 2 - Cursed Memories Turn-Based Nippon Ichi Software 2006 (84)(7.0).chd
Disney Pixar - Up [FULL RUS NTSC-U] Action Adventure [SLUS-21864] Asobo Studio 2009 (61)(7.0).chd
Disney Princess Enchanted Journey [RUS ENG NTSC] Пиратка.iso
Disney-Pixar Toy Story 3 [FULL PRO RUS PAL-R] Platformer [SLES-55623] Asobo Studio 2010 (76)(8.4).chd
Disney-Pixar's Cars - Mater-National Championship [Full PRO RUS NTSC-U] Racing [ViT Company] [SLUS-21637] Rainbow Studios 2007 (58)(8.0).iso
Disney's Peter Pan - The Legend of Never Land [FULL RUS PAL-E] Action Adventure [SCES-50522] Blue 52 2005 -.chd
Disney's Tarzan - Freeride (Untamed) [RUS TEKST PAL-M] Action Adventure [SLES-50350] Ubisoft 2001 (61)(7.0).chd
Disney's The Haunted Mansion [FULL RUS PAL-E] Action Adventure [SLES-52214] High Voltage Software 2003 (71)(7.0).chd
Donald Duck Quack Attack Disneys [RUS TEKST PAL-M] Platformer [SLES-50048] Disney Interactive Studios 2000 (73)(7.3).chd
Dragon Quest VIII Journey of the Cursed King RUS RPG Level 5 2005 (89)(8.7) PS2.chd
Dragon's Lair 3D - Special Edition [RUS TEKST PAL-M] Action Adventure [SLES-51696] Dragonstone Software Release Canceled (62)(6.6).chd
Drakan The Ancients' Gates Rus Action Adventure Surreal Software 2002 (78)(8.8).iso
Drakengard [FULL RUS NTSC-U] Role-Playing [SLUS-20732] Cavia Inc. 2004 (63)(7.9).chd
Driver - Parallel Lines [КUS TEKST PAL-M] Open-World [SLES-54027] Reflections Interactive 2006 (69)(7.2).chd
Ecco the Dolphin - Defender of the Future [RUS]Action Adventure [PS2] [SCES-50499] Appaloosa Interactive 2002 (84)(8.0).iso
Ed, Edd 'n Eddy The Mis-Edventures [FULL RUS PAL-E] Platformer [SLES-53747] Artificial Mind and Movement 2005 (56)(7.7).iso
Endgame [RUS TEKST] Light Gun [NTSC-J] Cunning Developments 2002 (57)(6.8).chd
Enter the Matrix [FULL RUS PAL-M] Action Adventure [SLES-51203] Shiny Entertainment 2003 (65)(7.2).chd
Enthusia - Professional Racing [RUS TEKST PAL-M] [SLES-53125] Racing Konami 2005 (70)(7.6).chd
Eternal Poison [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Turn-Based [SLUS-21779] Flight-Plan 2008 (65)(8.6).chd
Evil Dead - A Fistful of Boomstick [FULL RUS NTSC-U] Survival [SLUS-20403] VIS Entertainment 2003 (55)(8.7).iso
Evil Dead - Regeneration [Full RUS NTSC-U] Horror [Бука] [fix ++] [SLUS-21048] Cranky Pants Games 2005 (66)(7.2).chd
Extermination [FULL RUS PAL-M] Survival NO VIDEO [SCES-50240] Deep Space 2001 (67)(7.9).chd
Fahrenheit [RUS TEKST PAL] [SLES-53540] (Indigo Prophecy) Third-Person Quantic Dream 2005 (84)(8.1).chd
Fatal Frame 2 Crimson Butterfly Rus Survival (Project Zero II) Tecmo 2003 (81)(8.9).chd
Fatal Frame 3 The Tormented Rus Survival Tecmo 2005 (78)(8.9).chd
Fatal Frame Rus (Project Zero) Survival Tecmo 2002 (74)(8.7).chd
FIFA 2011 ВЫРЕЗАТЬ ЗАГРУЗЧИК [SLES-55643] Sports [Full RUS PAL-M] [SoftClub]EA Sports 2010 (88)(7.5).iso
FIFA Street ВЫРЕЗАТЬ ЗАГРУЗЧИК (РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ) Sports EA Canada 2005 (59)(7.9) PS2.iso
Fight Night Round 2 (RUS TEKST ПСЕВДО) Sports EA Sports 2005 (88)(8.2) PS2.iso
Fight Night Round 3 Rus Boxing EA Chicago 2006 (86)(8.8).chd
Final Fantasy VII Dirge of Cerberus (Exclusive) [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Action Adventure [SLUS-21419] Square Enix 2006 (57)(7.9).chd
Final Fantasy X (International) [RUS TEKST NTSC-J] RPG [SLPS-25088] SquareSoft 2001 (92)(8.9).chd
Final Fantasy X-2 [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] RPG [SLUS-20672] Square Enix 2004 (85)(7.5).chd
Final Fantasy XII [RUS TEKST NTSC] RPG [SLUS-20963] [Added 821 Zero Sectors.] Square Enix 2006 (86)(8.4).iso
Finding Nemo Disney Pixar [FULL PRO RUS NTSC-U] Action Adventure [SLUS-20628] Traveller's Tales 2003 (63)(5.1).chd
FlatOut 2 [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Racing [SLUS-21251] Bugbear 2006 (73)(8.0).chd
Forbidden Siren [FULL RUS PAL-E] Survival [SCES-51920] SCE Japan Studio (72)(7.9).chd
Forbiden Siren 2 Rus Survival SCE Japan Studio 2006 -.chd
Forgotten Realms - Demon Stone [patched]Beat-'Em-Up Stormfront Studios 2004 (71)(7.1).iso
Freedom Fighters [RUS TEKST PAL-E] Third-Person [SLES-51467] Io Interactive 2003 (81)(8.2).chd
Front Mission 4 Rus Turn-Based Square Enix 2004 (75)(8.5).chd
Fullmetal Alchemist and the Broken Angel [RUS ENG NTSC-U] RPG [SLUS-20994] Racjin 2005 (56)(7.5).chd
Futurama [Full RUS PAL-M] Platformer [Devil Soft] [SLES-51507] Unique Development Studios 2003 (59)(6.3) PS2.chd
Galerians Ash RUS [Trimming 9 Sectors] Survival [Full RUS NTSC] Polygon Magic 2003 (50)(8.1).iso
Garfield - Saving Arlene [FULL RUS PAL-M] [SLES-53587] Release Canceled.chd
Garfield 2 - Tale of Two Kitties [FULL RUS PAL-M] Platformer [SLES-54172] Asobo Studio Release Canceled (59)(6.4).chd
Garfield Гарфилд [FULL RUS PAL-M] Action Adventure [SLES-52843] Лицензия [Руссобит-М] The Code Monkeys 2004 -.iso
Getaway Black Monday [RUS TEKST PAL] Action Adventure [SCES-52948] SCEE London Studio 2005 (57)(7.7) PS2.iso
Getaway The [SCES-51159] Action Adventure [RUS TEKST PAL-M] [Kastofare]Team Soho 2003 (72)(6.9).cso
G-Force (Full PRO Rus PAL-R) Platformer [SLES-55502] Eurocom Publisher 2009 (68)(7.0).chd
Ghost Rider [FULL RUS NTSC-U] Beat-'Em-Up [SLUS-21306] Climax Studios 2007 (54)(7.1) PS2.chd
Ghostbusters The Video Game [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Action Adventure [SLUS-21882] War Drum Studios 2009 (78)(8.0).chd
Gift [FULL RUS PAL-F] Action Adventure [SLES-50296] EKO Software 2001 -.chd
Gladius [Full RUS ENG NTSC] (Kudos) Turn-Based (SLUS-20490) LucasArts 2003 (79)(8.3).iso
Glass Rose (no Bara) [FULL RUS NTSC-U] Point-and-Click [SLES-52358] Cing 2004 -.chd
God Hand [RUS SOUND NTSC-U] Beat-'Em-Up [SLUS-21503] Clover Studio 2006 (73)(9.2).chd
God of War [FULL RUS NTSC-U] Action Adventure [SCUS-97399] SCE Santa Monica 2005 (94)(8.9).chd
God of war 2 (Shuuen No Jokyoku) [FULL RUS PAL-M] Action Adventure [SCES-54206] SCE Santa Monica 2007 (93)(9.1).chd
Godfather, The Rus Open-World Page 44 Studios 2006 (77)(8.5).chd
Godzilla Save the Earth [RUS TEKST] Fighting Pipeworks Software, Inc. 2004 (63)(8.3).iso
Gradius V [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Shoot-'Em-Up [SLUS-20712] Treasure 2004 (82)(8.9).chd
Gran Turismo 3 - A-Spec [RUS -TEKST PAL] Racing [SCES-50294] Polyphony Digital 2001 (95)(8.4).iso
Gran Turismo 4 Racing Polyphony Digital 2005 (89)(8.9).chd
Grand Theft Auto - Liberty City Stories [Gamebox]Open-World [Full RUS NTSC] Rockstar Leeds 2006 (88)(7.7).iso
Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Open-World (SLUS-20946) (SanLTD) Rockstar North 2004 (95)(9.1).chd
Grand Theft Auto - Vice City [SLUS-20552] Open-World [FullRUS][7wolf] Rockstar North 2002 (95)(8.8).iso
Grand Theft Auto - Vice City Stories [FULL RUS PAL-M] Open-World [SLES-54622] Rockstar Leeds 2007 (86)(8.1).chd
Grand Theft Auto III [FULL RUS NTSC-U] [WS]Open-World [SLUS-20062] DMA Design 2001 (97)(8.4).iso
Gun [Rus]Open-World Neversoft Entertainment 2005 (79)(7.5).chd
Gungrave - Overdose [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Third-Person [SLUS-21020] RED Entertainment 2004 (68)(7.9).chd
Gungrave [RUS TEKST PAL-M] Third-Person [SLES-51236] RED Entertainment 2002 (65)(8.3).chd
Half-Life [FULL RUS NTSC-U] [ViT Co.] First-Person [SLUS-20066] Gearbox Software 2001 (96)(9.1).chd
Half-Life(начало как у Age of Empires II The Age of Kings) Shooter [PAL][FULL RUS] Gearbox Software 2001 (96)(9.1).iso
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Action Adventure Electronic Arts 2002 (71)(7.5).chd
Harvey Birdman - Attorney at Law Visual Novel High Voltage Software 2008 (60)(6.5).chd
Haunting Ground [FULL RUS PAL-M] Survival [SLES-52877] Capcom 2005 (67)(9.0).chd
Heroes of Might and Magic - Quest for the Dragon Bone Staff [FULL RUS NTSC-U] Turn-Based [SLUS-20158] New World Computing 2001 (64)(6.2).chd
Hitman - Blood Money [FULL RUS NTSC-U] Action Adventure [fix][SLUS-21108] Io Interactive 2006 (82)(8.6).chd
Hitman 2 Silent Assassin (RUS текст+озвучка NTSC-U) Action Adventure [SLUS-20374] Io Interactive 2002 (84)(7.1).chd
Hitman Contracts [FULL RUS NTSC-U] Third-Person [SLUS-20882] Io Interactive (78)(8.7).iso
Hobbit, The [FULL PRO RUS PAL-R] Action Adventure [SLES-52247] Inevitable Entertainment 2003 (61)(8.2).iso
Hugo Bukkazoom! Rus Racing ITE Media 2003 -.iso
Hulk [Full RUS ENG NTSC] Beat-'Em-Up Radical Entertainment 2003 (71)(7.7).iso
Hunter The Reckoning Wayward Beat-'Em-Up [NO Lock Sector] High Voltage Software 2003 (68)(8.4).iso
Ice Age 2 The Meltdown [FULL RUS] Platformer [PAL-R] [SLES 54147] Eurocom 2006 (68)(7.9).iso
Ice Age 3 Dawn of the Dinosaurs(Rus)4pda.iso
ICO Rus Action Adventure SCE Japan Studio 2001 (90)(8.8).chd
Incredible Hulk, The - Ultimate Destruction [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Open-World [SLUS-20941] Radical Entertainment 2005 (84)(7.9).chd
Incredible Hulk, The [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Open-World [SLUS-21765] Edge of Reality 2008 (55)(6.8).chd
Incredibles, The [SLES-52812] Action Adventure (RUS TEKST PAL-E) Heavy Iron Studios 2004 (62)(7.7).chd
incredibles, The Rise of the Underminer Суперсемейка Подземная битва [SLES-53658] Platformer [Full RUS PAL-R] Heavy Iron Studios 2005 (63)(-).chd
Indiana Jones & The Emperor's Tomb (SLUS-20508) Action Adventure (Russian) (Kudos+Дядюшка Рисёч) The Collective 2003 (73)(8.4).chd
I-Ninja [FULL RUS NTSC-U] Platformer [SLUS-20705] Argonaut Games 2003 (73)(8.5).chd
Inuyasha The Secret of the Cursed Mask [Full RUS NTSC] Japanese-Style [OVERDUMP 160 SECTORS!] Kamui 2004 (51)(8.1).iso
Jackass The Game [Full RUS NTSC] Miscellaneous [SLUS-21627] Sidhe Interactive 2007 (58)(6.5).iso
Jackie Chan Adventure Rus Action Adventure Atomic Planet Entertainment Release Canceled -.chd
Jak 3 (FullRus) Platformer Лицензия SoftClub Naughty Dog 2004 (84)(8.8).chd
Jak and Daxter The Lost Frontier (RUS ТОЛЬКО СУБТИТРЫ NTSC-U) Platformer [SCUS-97558] High Impact Games 2009 (71)(69).chd
Jak and Daxter The Precursor Legacy [RUS только звук] Platformer [Kudos NTSC] [SCUS-97124] Naughty Dog 2001 (90)(8.9).chd
Jak II - Renegade [SCES-51608] [RUS TEKST] [Bomband]Platformer Naughty Dog 2003 (87)(8.4).cso
James Bond 007 - Everything or Nothing Action Adventure EA Redwood Shores 2004 (83)(7.5).chd
James Bond 007 - From Russia with Love Third-Person EA Redwood Shores 2005 (71)(7.9).chd
James Bond 007 - Nightfire [SLES-51258] Shooter [Full RUS NTSC-U] Eurocom 2002 (78)(8.0).chd
Jet Li - Rise to Honor (RUS TEKST NTSC-U) Platformer [SCUS-97279] SCE Foster City Studio 2004 (68)(8.7).chd
Jimmy Neutron - Jet Fusion [RUS ENG NTSC] [Trimming 464 Sectors.] Action Krome Studios 2003 (60)(7.7).iso
Judge Dredd Dredd VS Death (Full Rus) Shooter текст+озвучка Rebellion 2005 (57)(7.1).chd
Juiced [SLUS-20872] Racing Juice Games 2005 (68)(8.1).iso
Juiced 2 - Hot Import Nights Full RUS Racing Juice Games 2007 (68)(7.6).iso
Jurassic Park - Operation Genesis Management Blue Tongue Entertainment 2003 (67)(8.7).iso
Just Cause (Full RUS PAL-M) [SLES-54137] Open-World Avalanche Studios 2006 (73)(7.0).chd
Justice League Heroes [FULL RUS NTSC-U] Role-Playing [SLUS-21304] Snowblind Studios 2006 (68)(8.3).chd
Kao the Kangaroo Round 2 (Full Rus) Platformer текст+озвучка Tate Interactive 2006 (58)(8.2).chd
Kessen II [RUS TEKST PAL-E] Strategy [SLES-50578] Koei 2001 (71)(8.6).chd
Kessen III [Full RUS NTSC-U] Strategy [SLUS-21119] Strategy Koei 2005 (73)(8.4).chd
Kill Switch [FULL RUS NTSC-U] Third-Person [Руссобит-М] [SLUS-20706] Namco 2003 (73)(8.1).iso
Kill Switch Shooter Namco 2003 (73)(8.1).iso
KILLZONE [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Shooter [SCUS-97402] Guerrilla 2004 (70)(7.4).chd
Kim Possible - What's the Switch, Disney's Rus Platformer Artificial Mind and Movement 2006 (76)(78).chd
King's Field IV - The Ancient City [Full RUS NTSC] Western-Style [CD-Convert] [CDVDGEN 1.20] [SLUS-20318] From Software 2002 (60)(8.5).iso
Knight Rider 2 - The Game Racing Davilex 2002 (54)(6.8).chd
Knights of the Temple [FULL RUS] Action Adventure [SLES-52448] Starbreeze 2004 -.iso
Knights of The Temple 2 [FULL RUS PAL-M] Action Adventure [SLES-53645] Cauldron Ltd. Canceled (53)(7.6).iso
Kuon [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Survival [SLUS-21007] From Software 2004 (57)(7.7) PS2.chd
Kya Dark Lineage [RUS NTSC] Action Adventure Eden Studios 2003 (69)(8.5).chd
Lara Croft Tomb Raider - Anniversary Action Adventure Crystal Dynamics 2007 (77)(8.4).chd
Legend of Spyro, The - Dawn of the Dragon [FULL PRO RUS PAL-R] Platformer [SLES-55265] Etranges Libellules 2008 (62)(6.9).iso
LEGO Batman - The Videogame [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Action Adventure [SLUS-21785] Traveller's Tales 2008 (76)(6.9).chd
LEGO Star Wars II The Original Trilogy [RUS TEKST PAL-M] Action Adventure [SLES-54221] Traveller's Tales 2006 (81)(8.0).chd
Leisure Suit Larry - Magna Cum Laude [FULL RUS NTSC] Third-Person [SoftClub]High Voltage Software 2004 (62)(6.6).iso
Looney Tunes - Acme Arsenal [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Platformer [SLUS-21636] Red Tribe 2007 (40)(7.1).chd
Looney Tunes - Back in Action [FULL RUS NTSC-U] Platformer [SLUS-20853] Warthog 2003 (51)(7.6).chd
Lord of the Rings, The - The Return of the King [FULL RUS NTSC-U] ЕСТЬ КАРТИНКА Role-Playing EA Games 2003 (85)(8.6).chd
Lord of the Rings, The - The Third Age Rus.chd
Lord of the Rings, The - The Two Towers Rus.iso
Mace Griffin - Bounty Hunter [Full RUS ENG NTSC-U] First-Person [SLUS-20505] Warthog 2003 (64)(7.8).chd
Madagascar Escape 2 Africa [Full RUS NTSC] Action Adventure Idol Minds 2008 (62)(7.6).iso
Mafia The City of Lost Heaven [FULL RUS NTSC-U] Open-World [SLUS-20671] Illusion Softworks 2004 (66)(8.6).iso
Malice [RUS TEKST PAL-M] Platformer [SLES-52413] Argonaut Games 2004 (48)(7.0).chd
Manhunt [FULL RUS NTSC-U] Horror [SLUS-20827] Rockstar North 2003 (76)(8.5).chd
Manhunt 2 [RUS TEKST PAL-M] Horror [SLES-54819] Rockstar London 2007 (62)(7.3).chd
Marc Ecko's Getting Up - Contents Under Pressure Action Adventure Double Helix Games 2006 (71)(7.9).chd
Mark of Kri, The Rus.chd
Marvel Ultimate Alliance (Full RUS NTSC-U) Role-Playing [SLUS-21374] Raven Software 2006 (82)(7.6).chd
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 [RUS ENG] [NTSC]RePack SK 4pda.iso
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 вырезать загрузчик (SLUS-21879) Rus Role-Playing [NORG]n-Space 2009 (73)(7.3).iso
Matrix, The - Path of Neo [FULL RUS NTSC-U] Action Adventure [SLUS-21273] Shiny Entertainment 2005 (69)(7.8)].chd
Max Payne [FULL RUS PAL-E] Shooter [SLES-50325] Rockstar Toronto 2001 (89)(9.0).chd
Max Payne 2 - The Fall of Max Payne [FULL RUS NTSC-U] Third-Person [SLUS-20814] Rockstar Vienna 2003 (86)(8.9).chd
MDK 2 Armageddon [FULL RUS NTSC-U] [SLUS-20105] Third-Person BioWare 2001 (83)(7.7).chd
Medal of Honor - Frontline [FULL RUS PAL-M] Shooter [SLES-50684] EA LA 2002 (88)(8.4).chd
Meet the Robinsons, Disney's [FULL RUS DruchaPucha NTSC] Action Adventure [SLUS-21453] Avalanche Software 2007 (65)(6.3).iso
Men in Black II Alien Escape [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Third-Person [SLUS-20373] Melbourne House 2002 (50)(7.1).chd
Mercenaries 2 World in Flames [RUS TEKST] Open-World Artificial Mind and Movement 2008 (72)(7.2).chd
Mercenaries Playground of Destruction Rus Open-World Pandemic Studios 2005 (86)(8.7).chd
Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty [Disc1of2] [RUS TEKST NTSC] Action Adventure [SLUS-20554] KCEJ 2001 (96)(8.8) PS2.chd
Metal Gear Solid 2 Substance [Disc2of2] [RUS TEKST NTSC] Action Adventure [SLUS-20554] KCEJ 2001 (96)(8.8) PS2.chd
Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence [Disc1of3] Action Adventure Kojima Productions 2006 (91)(8.0).chd
Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence [Disc2of3] Action Adventure Kojima Productions 2006 (91)(8.0).chd
Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence [Disc3of3] Action Adventure Kojima Productions 2006 (91)(8.0).chd
Midnight Club - 3 DUB Edition Remix [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Racing [SLUS-21355] Rockstar San Diego 2006 (84)(7.4).chd
Midnight Club II [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Racing [SLUS-20209] Rockstar San Diego 2003 (85)(8.4).chd
Mission - Impossible - Operation [RUS TEKST] Surma Action Adventure Paradigm Entertainment 2003 (64)(7.8).chd
Monsters Inc Scare Island [FULL RUS PAL-E] Platformer [SCES-50595] 2002 (65)(7.2) PS2.chd
Mortal Kombat - Deadly Alliance [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Fighting [SLUS-20423] Midway 2002 (79)(8.3).chd
Mortal Kombat Armageddon  [NTSC][FullRUS][Endibg Sector is Zero sector] Fighting Midway 2006 (75)(8.2).iso
Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance [SLUS-20423] Fighting Midway 2002 (79)(8.3).iso
Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks [FULL RUS NTSC-U] Beat-'Em-Up [SLUS-21087] Midway Studios - Los Angeles 2005 (77)(8.9) PS2.chd
MotorStorm - Arctic Edge [FULL PRO RUS PAL-M] Racing (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt,Sv,No,Da,Fi,Pl,Ru,El) Virtuos 2009 (79)(7.9).iso
MS Saga - A New Dawn [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Japanese-Style Аниме [SLUS-21270] Bec 2006 (65)(7.7) .chd
NBA 2K12 [RUS TEKST PAL-M] Sports [SLES-55659] Visual Concepts 2011 (90)(7.8).chd
Need For Speed - Carbon [SLES-54324] Racing [FullRUS]EA Canada 2006 (77)(6.7).iso
Need for Speed - Most Wanted [Black Edition] [FULL RUS NTSC-U] Racing [SLUS-21351] EA Canada 2005 (83)(8.6).iso
Need for Speed - Most Wanted SLUS_213.51 v1.4 retrogaming.7z
Need for Speed - ProStreet [SLES-55006] [FullRUS]Racing [SoftClub]EA Black Box 2007 (72)(7.5).iso
Need for Speed - Underground [FullRUS]Racing [RETROGAMING][SLUS-20811] EA Canada 2004 (82)(8.6).iso
Need for Speed - Underground 2 (SLUS-21065) (1C) Racing (FullRUS) EA Canada 2004 (82)(8.6).iso
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2 Racing EA Black Box 2002 (89)(8.5).chd
Neo Contra [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Third-Person [SLUS-20961] KCET 2004 (65)(7.1).chd
NHL 09 [SLES-55338] [Full RUS] Sports [SoftClub]EA Canada 2008 (88)(8.3) PS2.iso
Nightmare Before Christmas, The - Tim Burton's - Oogie's Revenge [RUS TEKST PAL-M] Survival [SLES-53192] TOSE 2005 (65)(8.7).chd
Nightshade [SLUS-20810] [FullRUS]Beat-'Em-Up KARURA] Overworks 2004 (68)(7.8).iso
Nobunaga's Ambition - Rise to Power [RUS TEKST NTSC] Strategy [SLUS-21721] Koei 2008 (70)(8.5).chd
ObsCure [FULL RUS PAL-R] Horror [SLES-53322] Hydravision 2005 (66)(8.4).chd
ObsCure 2 - The Aftermath [FULL RUS ] Horror [SLUS-21709] Hydravision 2008 (66)(8.1).chd
Odin Sphere [FULL RUS NTSC-U] [NoRG+Gamebox] Role-Playing [Bambuch0 fix] [SLUS-21577] Vanillaware 2007 (83)(8.6).iso
Onimusha - Warlords Action Adventure Capcom 2001 (71)(7.2).chd
Onimusha 3 - Demon Siege (FULL RUS NTSC-U) Action Adventure [SLUS-20694] Capcom 2004 (85)(8.7).iso
Onimusha Dawn of Dreams [Disc1of2] Action Adventure [RUS TEKST NTSC-J] [SLPM-66275] Capcom 2006 (81)(8.7).iso
Onimusha Dawn Of Dreams [Disc2of2] Action Adventure [RUS TEKST NTSC-J] [SLPM-66276] Capcom 2006 (81)(8.7).iso
Open Season [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Platformer [SLUS-21467] Ubisoft 2006 (59)(73).chd
Operative, The - No One Lives Forever [torrents.ru] Shooter Monolith Productions 2002 (91)(8.7).iso
Over the Hedge, DreamWorks [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Platformer [SLUS-21300] Edge of Reality 2006 (58)(8.5).chd
Pirates Legend of the Black Buccaneer [FULL PRO RUS NTSC-U] Survival [SLUS-21478] WideScreen Games 2006 (42)(7.5) PS2.chd
Pirates of the Caribbean - The Legend of Jack Sparrow [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Action Adventure [SLUS-21110] 7 Studios 2006 (51)(7.4).chd
Pitfall The Lost Expedition [FULL RUS PAL-E] Platformer [SLES-51686] Edge of Reality 2004 (73)(7.1).chd
Predator - Concrete Jungle [RUS TEKST PAL-E] Action Adventure [SLES-53091] Eurocom 2005 (46)(8.8).chd
Primal [FULL RUS PAL-E] Action Adventure [SCES-51685] SCE Studio Cambridge 2003 (73)(8.5).chd
Prince of Persia The Sands of Time [FULL RUS NTSC-U] Action Adventure [SLUS-20743] Ubisoft 2003 (92)(8.8).iso
Prince of Persia The Two Thrones [SLES-53777] Action Adventure [FullRUS][Akella]Ubisoft Montreal 2005 (85)(8.1).iso
Prince of Persia Warrior Within (SLUS-21022) Action Adventure (Full RUS - Akella) Ubisoft Montreal 2004 (83)(7.8).chd
Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 [RUS TEKST PAL-M] Sports [SLES-55666] Konami 2012 (82)(7.1).iso
Psi-Ops - The Mindgate Conspiracy [FULL RUS NTSC-U] Third-Person [SLUS-20688] Midway (84)(7.6) PS2.iso
Psychonauts [FULL RUS NTSC-U] Platformer [SLUS-21120] BudCat 2005 (88)(8.8).chd
Punisher, The [FULL RUS PAL-R] Third-Person [SLES-53203] Volition Inc. 2005 (69)(8.4).iso
Quake III Revolution [SLUS-20167] (FULL Russian NTSC-U) (Triada) Shooter (Vit Co.).bin
Quake III Revolution [SLUS-20167] Shooter (FULL RUS NTSC-U) (Triada) (Vit Co.) Bullfrog Productions 2001 (84)(7.3).iso
Ratatouille [FULL RUS PAL-R] Platformer [SLES-54737] Asobo Studio 2007 (62)(6.6).chd
Ratchet - Deadlocked [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Third-Person [SCUS-97465] Insomniac Games 2005 (81)(8.8).chd
Ratchet & Clank [RUS SUBS ] [SCES-50916] Platformer Insomniac Games 2002 (88)(8.8).chd
Ratchet & Clank Going Commando [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Platformer [SCUS-97268] Insomniac Games 2003 (90)(9.0).iso
Ratchet & Clank Size Matters [RUS TEKST] Platformer (Sony PlayStation 2) High Impact Games 2008 (85)(8.1) .iso
Ratchet & Clank Up Your Arsenal [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Platformer [SCUS-97353] Insomniac Games 2004 (91)(9.0) PS2.chd
Raw Danger! [Full RUS NTSC-U] Action Adventure [SLUS-21501] Irem 2007 (63)(8.6).iso
Rayman 3 Hoodlum Havoc Rus Platformer Ubisoft 2003 (77)(8.6).chd
Rayman Raving Rabbids Rus Minigame Ubisoft Montpellier 2006 (76)(7.8).chd
Red Dead Revolver [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Western [SLUS-20500] Rockstar San Diego 2004 (74)(8.1).chd
Red Faction [FULL RUS PAL-M] Shooter [PBPX-95506] Volition Inc. 2001 (88)(7.9).chd
Red faction 2 [FULL RUS NTSC-U] Shooter [SLUS-20442] Volition Inc. 2002 (84)(7.6).iso
Red Star, The [SLES-54581] Action [RUS][Alex Lee] [Bambuch0 fix] XS Games 2007 (72)(8.3).cso
Reign of Fire [FULL RUS PAL-M] Third-Person [PBPX-95506] Kuju Entertainment 2002 (56)(7.5).iso
Resident Evil - Dead Aim (SLUS-20669) Light Gun (BioHazard) [Full RUS NTSC] [PS2 Golden, Kudos] [fix+] Cavia Inc. 2003 (65)(6.6).iso
Resident Evil - Outbreak [FULL RUS NTSC-U] Horror [SLUS-20765] Capcom 2004 (71)(8.2).chd
Resident Evil 4 [FULL RUS NTSC-U] Survival [SLUS-21134] FreedomHellVOICE 2023 Capcom 2005 (96)(9.2).chd
Resident Evil Code Veronica [FULL RUS NTSC-U] Survival [Team_Raccoon] [SLUS-20184] Capcom 2001 (67)(8.4).chd
Resident Evil Outbreak - File #2 [RUS TEKST] Survival Capcom 2005 (58)(7.9).iso
Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Operation Resurrection [Full RUS] Shooter [Megera][fixed FMV] [SLUS-202.97] Raster 2003 (84)(8.4).iso
RoadKill [Full RUS ENG NTSC-U] Simulation [SLUS-20687] Terminal Reality 2003 (71)(7.8).chd
Rocky Legends (SLES-52761)(Full RUS) Sports Venom Games 2004 (65)(8.6).iso
Rogue Galaxy [RUS TEKST PAL-M] RPG [SCES-54552] Level 5 2007 (83)(7.9).chd
Rogue Trooper Third-Person Rebellion 2006 (71)(8.4).iso
Rule of Rose (РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ) [torrents.ru] Survival Punchline 2006 (59)(8.7).iso
Rune Viking Warload [FULL RUS PAL-F] Action Adventure [SLES-50337] Human Head Studios 2001 (7.6)(7.5).iso
Rygar The Legendary Adventure Rus Action Adventure Tecmo 2002 (83)(8.2).chd
Samurai Jack - The Shadow of Aku другой arhiv org .iso
Scaler (Русская версия)текст+озвучка [PAL-E] Platformer [SLES-52917] Artificial Mind and Movement 2004 (69)(6.7).chd
Scarface The World Is Yours Rus Action Adventure Radical Entertainment 2006 (75)(8.7).chd
Scooby-Doo! - First Frights (rus) Platformer [SLUS-219.00] Torus Games 2009 (56)(8.4).iso
Scooby-Doo! Mystery Mayhem [Full RUS PAL-M] Action Adventure [PBPX-95506] Artificial Mind and Movement 2004 (55)(7.8) [PS2].iso
Second Sight [PS2] Action Adventure [RUS]Free Radical Design 2004 (76)(7.9).iso
Secret Agent Clank Rus Platformer Sanzaru Games 2009 (72)(7.8).chd
Secret Weapons Over Normandy ВЫРЕЗАТЬ RUS ЗАГРУЗЧИК Flight [FULL RUS] NTSC (SLUS-20762) Totally Games 2003 (77)(8.8).iso
Serious Sam Next Encounter [Full RUS ENG NTSC] Shooter Climax Studios 2004 (65)(7.9).iso
Seven Samurai 20XX [Full RUS NTSC] Beat-'Em-Up Dimps Corporation 2004 (52)(7.0).iso
Shadow Hearts - Covenant [Disc1of2] Japanese-Style Nautilus 2004 (85)(8.8).chd
Shadow Hearts - Covenant [Disc2of2] Japanese-Style Nautilus 2004 (85)(8.8).chd
Shadow Hearts RUS_v1.01 Japanese-Style Sacnoth 2001 (73)(8.6).iso
Shadow of the Colossus [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Action Adventure [SCUS-97472] SCE Japan Studio 2005 (91)(7.8).chd
ShellShock - Nam '67 [Full RUS PAL] Third-Person Пиратка PS2 [SLES-51981] [ND]Guerrilla 2004 (58)(8.3).iso
Shin Megami Tensei - Digital Devil Saga Japanese-Style Atlus 2005 (7.8)(5.2).chd
Shin Megami Tensei - Nocturne [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Аниме-новелла [SLUS-20911] Atlus 2004 (82)(6.5).chd
Shin Megami Tensei - Persona 3 FES [SLUS-21621] Japanese-Style [RUS]Atlus 2008 (89)(7.8).cso
Shinobi Rus Beat-'Em-Up Overworks 2002 (71)(8.2).chd
Shinobido - Way of the Ninja Rus Action Adventure Acquire 2006 -.chd
Silent Hill 2 - Director's Cut [RUS TEKST PAL-M] Horror [SLES-51156] KCET 2002 (89)(8.5).iso
Silent Hill Origins Rus Horror Climax Studios 2008 (78)(7.6).chd
Sillent Hill 3 [Full RUS] Survival [repack by mauzerX] KCET 2003 (85)(8.6).iso
Simpsons Game, The [RUS TEKST PAL-M] Platformer [SLES-54904] Rebellion 2007 (71)(7.8).chd
Simpsons, The - Hit & Run [FULL RUS NTSC-U] Action Adventure [SLUS-20624] Radical Entertainment 2003 (78)(8.6).chd
Simpsons, The - Road Rage Racing Radical Entertainment 2001 (64)(7.3).chd
Sniper Elite Third-Person Rebellion 2005 (77)(7.6).chd
SOCOM 3 U.S. Navy SEALs [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Third-Person [SCUS-97474] Zipper Interactive 2005 (82)(8.9).chd
SOCOM II U.S. Navy SEALs [FULL RUS NTSC-U] Third-Person [SCUS-97275] Zipper Interactive 2003 (87)(8.8).chd
SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Third-Person [SCUS-97134] Zipper Interactive 2002 (82)(8.0).chd
Sonic Riders [Full RUS] (Devil Soft) Racing [SLUS-21331] Sonic Team 2006 (55)(7.7).iso
Soul Calibur 2 Fighting Namco 2003 (93)(8.9).chd
Soul Calibur 3 Fighting Namco 2005 (86)(8.6).chd
Soul Reaver 2 - Legacy of Kain [FULL PRO RUS PAL-M] Open-World [SLES-50196] Nixxes Software 2001 (80)(8.5).chd
Spawn Armageddon [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] [RETROGAMING]Action Adventure [SLUS-20707] Point of View 2003 (56)(7.3).iso
Spider-Man - Friend or Foe 4pda [RUS TEKST NTSC] Action Adventure [SLUS-21600] Next Level Games 2007 (60)(6.5).chd
Spider-Man - Friend or Foe Rus Action Adventure Next Level Games 2007 (60)(6.5).chd
Spider-Man - The Movie [Full RUS NTSC-U] [Fargus]Action Adventure [SLUS-20336] Treyarch 2002 (79)(7.7).iso
Spider-Man 2 Open-World Treyarch 2004 (83)(8.4).chd
SpongeBob SquarePants Revenge Of The Flying Dutchman (SLUS-20425) Platformer (FullRUS) Big Sky Software 2002 (66)(6.7).iso
Spy Fiction [SLUS-20856] [Russian]Action Adventure Access Games 2004 (61)(8.0).iso
SpyHunter - Nowhere to Run [FULL RUS] Third-Person Terminal Reality 2006 (51)(6.9).chd
Spyro A Heros Tail Rus Platformer Eurocom 2004 (64)(7.2).chd
SSX 3 [SLUS-20772] Sports EA Canada 2003 (93)(8.8).cso
SSX on Tour [RUS TEKST NTSC-U] Sports [SLUS-21278] EA Canada 2005 (80)(7.9).chd
Star Wars - Starfighter Simulation LucasArts 2001 (84)(8.1).chd
Star Wars Battlefront [Full RUS PAL-M] Shooter [SLES-52545] [PS2] Pandemic Studios 2004 (80)(8.3).iso
Star Wars Battlefront II [Full RUS PAL] Shooter [Devil Soft] Pandemic Studios 2005 (83)(8.8) PS2.iso
Star Wars Jedi Starfighter [FULL RUS] Simulation LucasArts 2002 (81)(8.1).iso
Steambot Chronicles Japanese-Style Irem 2006 (74)(8.4).chd
Stella Deus The Gate of Eternity [Russian]Turn-Based [SLUS-21132] Pinegrow 2005 (75)(8.4).iso
Street Racing Syndicate [FULL RUS NTSC-U] Racing [SLUS-20582] Eutechnyx 2004 (62)(8.6).chd
Suffering 2, The - Ties That Bind [SLUS-21189] Survival  [FullRUS][ND]Surreal Software 2005 (75)(8.3).iso
Suffering, The [FULL RUS NTSC-U] Horror [SLUS-20636] Surreal Software 2004 (77)(8.7).chd

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