Moonlight v0.9.3
pvc1 |
Дата: Вт, 23 Авг 2016, 11:51 | Сообщение #1 |
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Github проекта: Fork проекта:
проект Moonlight Game Streaming, целью которого является беспроводная трансляция игрового контента на множестве портативных устройств
* Moonlight v0.9.3 by xyzz * Moonlight v0.9.2 by GrapheneCt
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pvc1 |
Дата: Вт, 23 Авг 2016, 11:51 | Сообщение #2 |
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Moonlight Alpha 2
Цитата For this version, you need to place an additional configuration file to
In that file you write four numbers: stream width, height, FPS and bitrate. So the file might look like this: 1280 720 30 2000
for 1280×720 30 FPS and 2000 kbps bitrate
960 544 60 4000 for 960×544 60 FPS and 4000 kbps bitrate
If you want to use Vita native resolution (960×544) you need to go to NVIDIA control panel => change resolution and add the resolution manually. (Customize=>Create custom resolution) Also, some games might need additional settings to stream 960×544 (for example, for Portal 2 I had to add -width 960 -height 544 command line options).
* Moonlight
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pvc1 |
Дата: Вт, 23 Авг 2016, 11:51 | Сообщение #3 |
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Moonlight Alpha 3 - теперь с поддержкой мышки и L2/R2!
Цитата Use front touchscreen for mouse movements and actions:
left click – one finger tap right click – two finger tap pointer move – one finger swipe scroll – two finger swipe Use back touchscreen for L2/R2/L3/R3. The zone mappings are:
L2(LT): left-top R2(RT): right-top L3(LS CLK): left-botton R3(RS CLK): right-bottom Скачать:
* Moonlight
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dw_tn |
Дата: Ср, 14 Сен 2016, 13:05 | Сообщение #4 |
Супер мозг
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Vita Moonlight Alpha 4
Цитата GUI Control scheme remapping Configurable front touchscreen buttons Configurable back touchscreen deadzone Option to disable power save Default config (now in ux0:data/moonlight/moonlight.conf) Скачать
услуги модератора люкс класса- обратиться.
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pvc1 |
Дата: Ср, 12 Окт 2016, 21:36 | Сообщение #5 |
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alpha 5
Цитата - Fix crash at first time
- Improve input packet handle
- Change connection option
- Code cleanup for input handling
- Support L2/R2/L3/R3 Buttons on PSTV
- Update build toolchains & Fix connection problems under GFE 3.0
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pvc1 |
Дата: Сб, 15 Окт 2016, 07:02 | Сообщение #6 |
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alpha 6
Цитата - Reimplement input & config process for the improve stability
- Fix little memory leaks
- Fix crash if have too many moonlight supporting games
- Fix crash at press circle button on the connect menu
- Fix bug about not detect device model
- Fix cannot use analog sticks on the VITA 2000
- Change priority of input thread for the high bitrate connection
- Update mapping values & add new mapping file for the PSTV
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pvc1 |
Дата: Пн, 24 Окт 2016, 13:48 | Сообщение #7 |
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Release 0.1.0
Цитата Changes- Add new option for store debugging log #53
- Fix crash at quit application #54
- Add livearea #62
- Add new option for mouse acceleration #63
- Cleanup codes.
- Now remove alpha mark. but still lower version
Known issues- Screen delayed after reconnection #59
- Unpair not working #18
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pvc1 |
Дата: Пн, 28 Ноя 2016, 14:12 | Сообщение #8 |
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Цитата Changelog for Vita Moonlight v0.1.1
Fix connection problem on the GFE 2.2.3 Improve logging datas Support newer vitasdk
Known issues
Screen delayed after reconnection Unpair not working
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pvc1 |
Дата: Пт, 16 Дек 2016, 10:55 | Сообщение #9 |
Высшая материя
Сообщений: 10990
Цитата Changes
Compress binary Support GFE 3.2
Known issues
Screen delayed after reconnection Unpair not working
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karenjan99 |
Дата: Пт, 16 Дек 2016, 12:59 | Сообщение #10 |
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