Сборник Хоумбрю игр на PSVita
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Дата: Сб, 13 Авг 2016, 13:09 | Сообщение #1 |
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Сборник Хоумбрю игр на PSVita
DOOM PS Vita VITAQUAKE VitaWolfen JellyCar
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pvc1 |
Дата: Вт, 10 Янв 2017, 11:50 | Сообщение #11 |
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StarKiller2D v1.00
Цитата This is a basic & minimalistic 2D puzzle game using vita2Dlib by xerpi and my contribution to this contest! The game isn't meant to look pretty with a lot of fancy graphics but further stay in a somewhat "text-based-adventure-way". This release has 54 Levels currently and there also is a level editor for even more fun.
Big thanks to everyone in the scene for making homebrew finally possible and of course special thanks to gdljjrod, Largeroliker, Red Squirrel, Nzaki & Tuxbot for their translations!
Now go and have some fun! (And yes, all levels are winnable!^^) Скачать:
* StarKiller2D
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pvc1 |
Дата: Вс, 05 Фев 2017, 22:00 | Сообщение #12 |
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Цитата This project aims to be a space opera focused on dogfights. The way you build your spaceship using different modules such as engines, canons and so on, will impact the momentum and the whole physics that will make your ship move and react. Any module will have independant resistance and detroying a module will affect the physics of the ship until you repair it.
Version notes : - 2017/01/28 : v0.0.1 (pre alpha release for the GekiHen Contest) This version is more like a sandbox where you can only drive a prebuilt ship in an asteroid field and shoot asteroids. This includes temporary features such as drag and dropping asteroids with the touchscreen, a debug menu, and wip controls. - Nearly coded from scratch crossplatform Vita/PC(d3d11) engine using the official sony's SDK. - Physic engine (native on vita and provided by sony in their SDK) - Optimized volumetric fog using FBM Perlin noise. - Procedural asteroids geometry and texture (textures are precomputed for faster loading time) using FBM Perlin noise. - Single light spot rendering shaders for 3d objects. - Tweakable controls with 2 presets (from the debug menu). - Tweakable rendering options (from the debug menu).
Controls: - Left Stick : 3D strafe right/left/up/down - Right Stick : ship's orientation - Left Trigger : acceleration - Right Trigger : shoot - Cross : toggle pause+freemove cam/unpause+ship cam - Triangle : toggle friction/no friction (ie space inertia) - D-Pad : navigate through the debug menu - Start : show/hide debug console - Select : reset the scene - Front Touchscreen : move any physic object of the scene (drag&drop)
Special thanks : - To Team Molecule for all their incredible work on the HenKaku - To TheFlow for the amazing VitaShell - To SCE for discontinuing the psm and forcing independant programmers to go underground Скачать:
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pvc1 |
Дата: Пт, 10 Фев 2017, 10:56 | Сообщение #13 |
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GNU Robbo v0.68 - порт игры ‘The Adventures of Robbo’ популярной в конце 80-х начале 90-х на компьютерах Atari XL/XE
Github проекта: https://github.com/bomblik/GNU_Robbo_PSVITA_PSP/releases
Цитата This game an open source port of the game ‘The Adventures of Robbo’ which was a great hit in Poland in the late 80s and early 90s. It was initially released on the Atari XL/XE computers but thanks this open source implantation, we can enjoy it on various consoles. It’s quite a simple yet fun game in which you have to finish levels with your cool robot. The start screen has instructions on how to play the game too! There are movement and shooting instructions. Скачать:
* GNU Robbo v0.68
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pvc1 |
Дата: Пн, 13 Фев 2017, 10:27 | Сообщение #14 |
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BlockOut II - реинкарнация игры BlockOut 1989-го года
Github проекта: https://github.com/bomblik/BlockOut_II_PSVITA
Цитата ##Key mappings CROSS - confirm / drop block RIGHT TRIGGER - cancel / exit game D-PAD - move block / select character (hall of fame) SQUARE - rotate block around X axis counterclockwise SQUARE + LEFT TRIGGER - rotate block around X axis clockwise TRIANGLE - rotate block around Y axis counterclockwise TRIANGLE + LEFT TRIGGER - rotate block around Y axis clockwise CIRCLE - rotate block around Z axis counterclockwise CIRCLE + LEFT TRIGGER - rotate block around Z axis clockwise START - pause / resume game ##Online score database The game has a strong user community and an online world ranking of user scores. https://www.blockout.net/blockout2/worldranking/index.php https://www.blockout.net/blockout2/scoredate.php Currently you can play against / compare your score to an online score database, but you cannot upload your scores. Please look at TODO section, regarding score uploading. ##Credits Jean-Luc PONS for an awesome game. Fabrice Bellard for TinyGL, an OpenGL software implementation. Team Molecule for HENkaku homebrew enabler. All vitasdk contributors. xerpi, Cpasjuste for SDL library port. Cpasjuste for PSP2SHELL, ports of SDL auxiliary libraries and TinyGL. ##TODO The game has an option to upload user scores to the game server, but that option is only included in binary releases for pc. Reverse engineering of 'reply file' content and communication protocol is needed in order to upload user scores from PS VITA port of the game. ##Disclaimer There are some minor graphical issues due to TinyGL limitations. Enjoy! * As far as I know Скачать:
* BlockOut II v2.5
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pvc1 |
Дата: Ср, 15 Фев 2017, 13:50 | Сообщение #15 |
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Цитата Happy Land is a game where you go on a big quest to retrieve the potatoes that Big Foot stole from you.
Controls ===== Move with the dpad X is select O is cancel Press square on the title screen to swap O and X Press triangle on the title screen to switch to the probably terrible Spanish mode
How to Install ===== 1. Download the vpk file. 2. Install the vpk file on the Vita using Molecular or Vita shell. Скачать:
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pvc1 |
Дата: Сб, 25 Фев 2017, 20:25 | Сообщение #16 |
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ZSOKOBAN - вариация на тему сокобана
Цитата What’s zsokoban?
This game is a port of the classic Japanese game ‘Sokoban” in which you have to move blocks/treasures to a corner to get to the exit. Sokoban was released back in 1981 and it’s found on various J2ME devices. While it may sound easy, it’s quite challenging and could easily trip you up! The Zsokoban port adds a little bit more of a challenege to the game since you only have 3 lives! After you mess up 3 times on a single level, you’ll be sent back to the first level. Keeping that in mind, you must be very careful and you have to think your moves carefully. This homebrew was developed via ONElua which incidentally is another GekiHEN entry!
How to play/install the game?
Getting it on your Vita is quite easy providing you have taiHEN. You simply need to download the VPK from the link below and install it via VitaShell. Make sure you don’t get it from unofficial sources as VPKs can be malicious! Controls are pretty simple and they’re on screen too. Have fun playing homebrew on your Vita! Скачать:
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pvc1 |
Дата: Сб, 04 Мар 2017, 12:51 | Сообщение #17 |
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Labyrinth 3D v1.3 - вариация на тему 3д ходилок
Изменения в этой версии:
Цитата This update brings about various welcome changes that improve the game experience such as:
Ability to save and load games (thus making it more of a game) Bug fixes (especially with GPU crashes)
Loading/Saving mechanism Some shading effects added 1024×1024 textures took place 64×64 textures for walls in order to provide a better look Menus were reworked You may now skip engine logos at startup by pressing START Скачать:
* Labyrinth 3D v1.3
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pvc1 |
Дата: Сб, 18 Мар 2017, 07:22 | Сообщение #18 |
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Starfield Vita v0.2 - обновление игры от разработчика gnmmarechal
Github проекта: https://github.com/gnmmarechal/starfield-vita/releases
Цитата Added high scores and updated LPP to use the safe build. Скачать:
* Starfield Vita v0.2
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pvc1 |
Дата: Вт, 21 Мар 2017, 13:29 | Сообщение #19 |
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Galactic Federation - демо игры в жанре Action Sci-Fi RPG
Цитата This game is a top down Action Science Fiction RPG. This is an early sample of 1 dungeon, but the full game is planned to be much bigger. The game currently features 4 classes, but I recommend the Human/Marine since he is the most fleshed out character. The goal of the demo is just to explore the dungeon, and kill all of enemies. The demo also features a boss fight. Controls can be viewed and changed in the options screen on the main menu. I hope everyone enjoys the game, and give me feedback on what you would like to see in the game on twitter @Suicidal_Robot. Скачать:
* Galactic Federation
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pvc1 |
Дата: Вт, 21 Мар 2017, 13:33 | Сообщение #20 |
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PROJECT VOID 0.0.3 - обновление игры от разработчика Akabane87
Цитата - Reduce the max speed allowed in strafe when inertia is not enabled.
- Add a shoot position calculation for moving objects.
- Add a target selector and a crosshair on the shoot position of the selected target (touchpad to select a target).
- Fix a mistake in the volumetric fox slicing.
- Do not apply smoothed lod transition when transitionning from not visible to visible in term of frustrum culling.
- [TEMP]Teleport the character ship when reaching the limits of physic world.
- Fix another mistake in the projectile collision tests.
- Fix the autofocus shoot calculation to aim the autofocused point instead of autofocusing along the original shoot trajectory.
- Fix wrong hud element rendering on selection behind the camera.
- Fog rendering enhancements.
- Add some basic AI for other ships.
- Add color presets for player ship and enemy ships (ie faction type).
- Make the fire rate per weapon (for now all weapons keep the same firerate).
- Define asteroids as neutral faction (ie no faction).
- Add some real IA behavior :
- patrol system,
- enemy detection,
- enemy engaging,
- attack vector and target tracking,
- obstacle avoidance given the distance and the mass of the object.
- Improve IA avoidance with the ships and moving objects.
- Fix a bug with the initial values of the debug menu options' preset (default values were not displayed correctly).
- Use batched raycasts for projectile collision detection instead of calculating collisions geometrically (faster as hell).
- Use the exact contact point for the explosion FX source.
- Fix a mystical bug with batched raycasts that were making raycasts return random crap after some asteroids exited the physical world.
- Fix multiple issues with the new projectile raycast batched system.
- Add the new auto lock features and the new HUD system.
- Remove the old free move reticle preset from the debug menu and all options related that are not used anymore.
- Fix some double shockwave explosion fx possibility on high framerates.
- Smooth the avoidance of the AI that was too sharp (now using the same max strafe force as the player).
- Make the auto lock progressive on lock acquired/lost and also resumable.
- Increase the AI detection range and the length of the attack vector.
- Slightly increase the collision radius of the asteroids to better fit with the visual.
- Fix the orientation of axis aligned sprites with non identity local orientation matrix.
- Make the hit FX in the hit target referential.
- Change the hit FX to make lighter and brighter (and smaller).
- Make a cleaner collision handler where the AI can catch proxy/triggers/projectiles collision events.
- Toggle manual/autolock shoot mode with square button.
- Add damages to the projectiles that can destroy any part of the ships.
- Make engine and canon modules destructible as well (for now disabled).
- Make a cheap red color fader proportional to the amount of damage taken.
- Stop the barrel roll for AI while turning.
- Enable the inertia (no inertia dampeners) permanently on the AI if at least one thruster is broken.
- Make destroyed modules physically/visualy destroyed.
- Consider canon and engine below 50% of their HP disabled.
- Add a slow regen for non destroyed modules.
- Add an explosion FX when a module is destroyed.
- Make AIs switch target when the current target is destroyed.
- Make the rotation of the ships proportional to the remaining enabled engines power (so that a ship with all engines destroyed cannot turn anymore).
- Fix some mistake in the calculation of the torque dampening that could lead to some angular velocity divergence.
- Add an auto target system for the player when no target is selected, if any enemy enters inside the autolock area.
- Make the shoot position displayed and the autolock assist auto target the different modules alive in a specific order (Engines > Canons > Others).
- Add an additional enemy AI, and an allied AI.
- Fix a wrong friendly fire of the allied AI on the player.
- Use different colors for the target selector and the crosshair depending the target's faction (white for neutral, red for enemy and blue for allied).
- Change the sphere's color of the ship modules to turn to red with a factor proportionally inverse to the remaining HPs.
- Leave back only 1 AI for framerate purpose.
- Deselect the target if out of display range.
- Remove the pick and drag objects option from the game.
- Hide the HUD when in pause mode.
- [TEMP]Mirror the AI ship relative position from our ship when really far from us.
- Add a stun duration on the AI when one of its module is destroyed, to make it lose control of its ship as a real player would do.
- Apply the fog value to the ship's modules too.
- Double modules' max HP for a longer fight duration.
- Prevent AI stun lock.
- Change the default color of the ships.
- Put the red color of the damaged module on the emissive channel.
- Allow to spawn more AIs (enemy and ally) from the debug menu (need to press reset button to be effective).
- Improve the camera.
- Prevent taking shoot inputs into account and updating the autolock while the game is paused.
- Prevent self targeting.
- Micro optimization on the collision detection of the projectiles depending the frustrum and the distance to the camera.
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