Команда обновила LITE версии прошивки до 4.85.1 и тулбокс к ней 02.03.03 Обновленная прошивка версии Rebug 4.85.1 Lite+Cobra 8.2+Toolbox 02.03.03
Кастомные прошивки от команды "Rebug", имеют самый большой функционал по сравнению с любыми другими cfw на PlayStation 3. Они имеют двойные ядра и могут быть конвертированы в режим DEX и обратно (в CEX). На таких прошивках легче всего использовать читы и разные мод меню, для различных игр, по типу GTA V или Call of Duty. Также есть куча разных полезностей, которые мы постараемся донести вам.
(Это обновление системного программного обеспечения улучшает производительность системы)
(Последний REBUG TOOLBOX с поддержкой нескольких языков - 16 языков)
Исправлена проблема с установкой
(Это было ошибкой в течение последних 7 лет из-за отсутствия лицензионного соглашения для 3-х языков, включая английский [Великобритания], бразильский португальский и турецкий. У некоторых пользователей была проблема с установкой REBUG в режиме восстановления, и это наконец-то решено! )
* больше нет ошибки повреждения данных! *
Исправление шрифта
(некоторые старые игры, в которых используется системный шрифт, теперь отображают все буквы правильно, исправление польских букв удалено из-за этого изменения)
Поддержка PS3Xploit
(Старый webkit возвращается для поддержки PS3Xploit, можно использовать HAN)
(PS2 Emu swapper удален, так как это устарело с Cobra 8.1)
Cobra 8.1 (включено по умолчанию)
(Stage0 теперь поддерживает плагин ядра и VSH как в режиме Cobra, так и в режиме без Cobra, Флаг loadoptical (для BC и SemiBC) создается все время, пока stage2 отключен, это выгодно только пользователям BC/Semi-BC для тех, кто не использует COBRA)
Скачайте нужную прошивке
Скопируйте полученную кастомную прошивку на флешку в папку PS3/UPDATE/ и переименуйте её как PS3UPDAT.PUP
Перед установкой прошивки диск из BD привода необходимо извлечь!
Сделайте и проверьте дамп
Удалите вашу старую версию multiMAN'а (или любого другого backup manager'а).
Удалите вашу старую версию Rebug Toolbox'а (если устанавливали).
Вставьте флешку в любой разъём USB на PS3 и произведите установку из XMB
Скачайте последний multiMAN, webman, sMan (что больше нравиться) и установите его через "Install Package Files" в XMB.
после установки прошивки нужно установить ToolBox и запустить его
во вкладке Selector поменять System Mode на REBUG (только в REX прошивке!)
XMB Operation Mode поставить на Retail (только в REX прошивке!)
Toggle XMB CFW Settings добавляет настройки CFW в меню (опишу эту надстройку и ее полезность отдельным пунктом)
Toggle Cobra Mode меняем на Enabled (активируем кобру)
Toggle Webman меняем на Enabled (активируем вебман)
после этого в первой вкладке выбрать restart, а потом soft reboot, кобра активирована
потом можете качать последний Webman Mod и поставить его, так как встроенный в прошивку вебман уже старый
It has come to our attention that there are minor bugs. We try to test on as many consoles and languages as we can, but things can creep up from time to time or are just over looked.
Bugs that will be squashed:
Bug – Spanish lang Bug – gameOS flag working if fw reinstalled or updated only Cobra Bug – less plugins loaded (not a bug actually but being fixed all the same) Cobra – will be disabled on a fresh install (use toolbox to enable it) (Rebug 4.65.2 When ready)
To clarify why there are bugs:
This version of Rebug was NOT intended for release yet. We still have/had lots of testing to do, but seeing the leech(s) ( BobbyBangin) at saw a cached version of this post that we were getting ready for a release and decided without asking us to just post the news and circulate a non final PUP. So you can thank ( BobbyBangin ) personally for some bugs that came along with this version. We will post here when the new pups are ready for download.
FEATURE – Dual LV2 Kernels CEX/DEX (Swap your EID0/LV2 kernel using Rebug Toolbox in seconds)
FEATURE – ALL Retail functions available in CEX mode (No need to install different firmware)
FEATURE – ALL Debug functions available in DEX mode (No need to install different firmware)
FEATURE – ProDG Connectivity in DEX mode (Full Support on Normal mode, Partial Support on Cobra mode)
FEATURE – QA Token compatibility
FEATURE – OtherOS++ support enabled (Use Rebug Toolbox to Boot OtherOS with different LV1 patches)
FEATURE – Package Manager
(Replacement for the standard ‘Install Package Files’ option)
INCLUDED – Rebug Toolbox 02.02.02 (Install included Rebug Toolbox or higher for full compatibility)
PATCHED – LV1: Disable System Integrity Check (Safe to use with mismatched COREOS/SYSCON versions or if PS3 is not QA enabled)
PATCHED – LV1: Undocumented function 114 (Allow mapping of protected memory)
PATCHED – LV1: Skip all ACL Checks (Needed to allow booting of OtherOS)
PATCHED – LV1: Peek and Poke support (Unused LV1 call 182 and 183)
PATCHED - LV2: Peek and Poke support (LV2 Syscall 6 and 7)
PATCHED - LV2: Peek and Poke support for LV1 (LV2 Syscall 8 and 9)
PATCHED - LV2: LV1 CALL System call (LV2 Syscall 10)
PATCHED - VSH: Allow Unsigned act.dat and *.rif files
PATCHED - VSH: Disable Unlinking/Deleting of act.dat
FUN FEATURE – Fake Save Data Owner (Use Game Saves from ANY Owner)
FUN FEATURE – Enhanced Remote Play with PC (This unlocks the limitation of working apps/games for remote play with PC )
FUN FEATURE – Lock/Unlock Trophies
FEATURE – RSOD Bypass for Installation Only
(This does not fix the issue itself, but This will allow PS3 to boot fine)
FUN FEATURE – Cinavia protection fully disabled (Supports optical media/bd iso, AACS must be decrypted)
FEATURE – Cobra 7.03 (Disabled by default, Toolbox required to enable)
FEATURE – 1.41.05 MOD REBUG EDITION (Full Webman intergration supports both CEX/DEX 4.65)
FEATURE – 4.66 Version Spoofer (REBUG Mode on TOOLBOX is required for PSN /SEN Access, until next OFW update)
PS2 Launcher REBUG v1.00
PS2 ISO / Classic Launcher (non-BC only for wireless sync issue)
With Cobra core, You can play PS2 ISO rips on NON-Backward compatible PS3, however, there has been an annoying wireless sync issue while playing ps2 games, so we designed this work around to fix the issue with wireless pad sync by following method.
Couple things are required
– multiMAN for PS2 ISO to Classic conversion, not needed if you use PC method
– RAP activation for PS2 Launcher
– PS2 Launcher or PS2 Classic Place holder [they both do the same function]
1.Install placeholder and activate the rap file for classic via reactPSN 2. Go to multiman normal mode and click on iso 3. Convert ISO to Classic [ISO.BIN.ENC] 4. Use mm filemanager [mmOS] , look for this path “/dev_hdd0/PS2ISO//” 5. Copy or Move ISO.BIN.ENC to “/dev_hdd0/game/PS2U1000/USRDIR/” 6. With webMAN “MOD”, Toggle press SELECT+L2+/\ 7. Run the game from npdrm legit/placeholder(depending on the option you chose) and maintain one stable sync, this is important to write proper sync data in registry. 8. You can safely close the game, and start mounting PS2 ISO via webMAN
(*Back up registry via TOOLBOX is recommended in case of potential sync issue problem occurs, if the sync issue happens in the future, you can restore your sync data via registry restoration)
REBUG Toolbox v02.02.02
INSTALL: 1: In the PS3 XMB go to Game menu 2: Select Package Manager 3: Select Install Package Files 4: Select PS3 Hard Disk 5: Install REBUG-TOOLBOX-02.02.02.pkg 6: Access Rebug Toolbox from XMB
IMPORTANT: On 4.65.2 Rebug REX or D-REX: 7: Scroll to 2nd column Selector, and select 3rd option Toggle Cobra Mode 8: Select Enable, and system will reboot with Cobra now enabled on the CFW.
* SYSTEM INFORMATION: Displays Firmware version, Toolbox version, IP address, current LV2 Kernel and Target ID type and free HDD space.
* QUIT: Quits Toolbox and returns you to PS3 XMB.
* RESTART SYSTEM: Perform either a Full or Soft reboot od the PS3 system.
Soft (LV2 Reboot Only) Full (On/Off Cycle)
Boot OtherOS: Boot OtherOS with either your currently selected LV1 patches or easily apply ALL LV1 patches and boot.
Boot (LV1 Patches: Apply All) Boot (LV1 Patches: Use current)
Turn Off System: Shut down your PS3.
* SYSTEM MODE: Switches between NORMAL and REBUG mode
NORMAL mode which uses the DEBUG XMB is the default mode after installing Rebug.
REBUG mode sets the PS3 to the latest available version spoof (updatable in the future) and allows swapping between RETAIL and DEBUG XMB.
XMB OPERATION MODE: This option only works in REBUG mode and lets you select either the RETAIL or DEBUG XMB.
* DEBUG MENU TYPE: Gives you the choice of the CEX QA (retail) or DEX (debug) Debug Settings menu.
A collection of LV1 patches that can be used for better compatibility with some PS3 tools. Any combination of these patches can be applied before booting OtherOS.
* SWAP LV2 KERNEL: Swaps between CEX and DEX LV2 Kernel. This option will only work if your Target ID is set to DEX
* REWRITE TARGET ID IN FLASH: This option requires you have a valid NOR/NAND dump named correctly on dev_usb000. Use EXPORT FLASH TO FILE function to dump your NOR/NAND to dev_usb000 and then use c2d.exe to convert your dump to DEX.
Rename your original CEX dump to CEX-FLASH.EID0.NORBIN (16mb) or CEX-FLASH.EID0.NANDBIN (239mb or 256mb) Rename your converted DEX dump to DEX-FLASH.EID0.NORBIN (16mb) or DEX-FLASH.EID0.NANDBIN (239mb or 256mb)
Once you have prepared your NOR/NAND dumps place them on a USB device and connect it to dev_usb000.
Now that you have your valid dumps named properly and connected to dev_usb000 it is a simple as selecting the option and following the onscreen prompts. Takes less than 10secs once you have your dumps prepared.
* EXPORT FLASH TO FILE: Backup your current NOR/NAND to file on dev_usb000. Takes about 45secs for NAND
* TOGGLE QA: Enable/Disable QA flag. Enable for easy downgrade and other extra features on all 3.55/4.21/4.30/4.31 CFW.
* TOGGLE RECOVERY MODE: Enable/Disable Recover Mode flag. When enabled your PS3 will reboot into Recovery Mode.
* TOGGLE PRODUCT MODE: Enable/Disable Product Mode flag. When enabled your PS3 will reboot into Factory Service Mode. This option is only available for 3.55 CFW for safety reasons.
* LOAD LV2 KERNEL: Load lv2_kernel.self.[KERNEL_NAME] from USB or /dev_hdd0.
* BACKUP/RESTORE XREGISTRY: Backup or Restore the PS3 system settings from USB.
* RESIZE VFLASH/NAND REGIONS: Resize VFLASH/NAND Region 5 to allow install of OtherOS.
* INSTALL PETITBOOT: Install Petitboot to VFLASH/NAND Region 5 from USB.
* SET GAMEOS BOOT FLAG: Sets the GameOS boot flag. Use this if your PS3 is having trouble booting PS2 titles after running OtherOS or is accidently sending you back to OtherOS when trying to enter recovery mode.
* CREATE PACKAGES FOLDER ON PS3: Create /dev_hdd0/packages folder or your PS3 to be used with Package Manager.
* EXPORT HYPERVISOR LV1 MEMORY: Save LV1 memory to dev_usb000 or dev_usb006 or dev_hdd0 if usb is not found.
* EXPORT GAMEOS LV2 MEMORY: Save LV2 memory to dev_usb000 or dev_usb006 or dev_hdd0 if usb is not found.
* EXPORT FLASH TO FILE: Backup your current NOR/NAND to file on dev_usb000. Takes about 45secs for NAND
* CHANGE ACTIVE PS3ID: Spoof IDPS in LV2 memory. Choose from Use EID0 or Use EID5. EID5 will spoof your original CEX IDPS allowing you to connect to PSN if your PS3 is running REBUG REX EDITION firmware in DEX mode.
L3 changes clock/temperature display
L2+R2 enable screensaver
START+R2 take a raw rgb screenshot
Remote-play via PSP/PSVITA
Auto-turn-off if idle for 1 hour
Telnet to PS3 ip at port: 8080
FTP access with writable dev_flash mounted as dev_rebug (port: 21, user: anonymous, password: (anything))
QA is supported in all REBUG REX EDITIONS but at this point in time we are unable to set the QA Token from GameOS on 3.55+ firmware.
It is good practice to enable QA in 3.55 before updating to any CFW not just REBUG.
OtherOS++ is supported by all REBUG REX EDITIONS and will detect your existing OtherOS HDD partition.
However none of the REBUG REX EDITIONS have emer_init.self patched (create smaller GameOS partition). We are working on a solution to this from GameOS.
In the meantime if you do want to create an OtherOS partition you have two options:
1: Use a 3.55 firmware that already has emer_init.self patched to the size you want. 2: Patch REBUG 3.55.3 REX EDITION in PS3MFW Builder
If you choose option 2 we highly recommend that you ONLY patch emer_init.self. Also the resulting PUP will only be able to be installed on 3.55 firmware as the spkg_hdr will be mismatched.
One final thing to note about OtherOS on 4.21.1 is that it function is slightly reduced at the moment due to the fact that we are not able to map memory like in 3.55 and below. The affected modules are ps3ram and ps3sbmmio.
Hopefully this problem can be addressed without having to release another firmware.
не совсем понял пункты : FUN FEATURE – Fake Save Data Owner (Use Game Saves from ANY Owner) FUN FEATURE – Enhanced Remote Play with PC (This unlocks the limitation of working apps/games for remote play with PC ) FUN FEATURE – Lock/Unlock Trophies и как их активировать ?
ребят как узнать какая версия у меня стоит? сейчас вроде ребаг 4.65 но как узнать именно какая версия 4.65 чтоб после замены винта установить снова? консоль слимка 2501А PS4 Fat 8.0 + PS3 Slim CFW + PS3 Fat x2 :( + PS2 Fat + PS2 Slim + PS1 Slim :( + PSVita Fat + PSP Slim + XBOX 360 Slim + XBOX 360 FAT
Ребят поставил REBUG 4.70.1 и появилась проблема в играх от PS1! В заставочных роликах пропал звук кто знает как решить данную проблему? А ещё не работают стики в таких играх как xenogears и Fear Effect
Rebug Package Manager (Standalone) Version 0.2 By Sandungas
Bugfix release by PatrickBatman -replaced <Pair key="title_rsc"><String>msg_tool_hdd0_file</String></Pair> by <Pair key="title"><String>PS3™ Hard Disk</String></Pair>
FEATURES 4.76 Version Spoofer Select REBUG MODE in REBUG TOOLBOX, for PSN /SEN Access , until next OFW update Cobra 7.1 (Note: Disabled by default, Activation in Rebug Toolbox required to enable features (see pic) ) Background Loading plugins (sprx) activated automatically on system boot ISO Suppport: PS1/PS2/PS3/PSP/DVD/BluRay (Split ISO support on FAT32 drives) Network Support: PS1/PS3/DVD/BluRay/PKGs Blu Ray Movie region free functionality NTFS HDD Support (prepNTFS, or multiMAN Required to scan contents) PS2 ISO Support for BC (via hardware) / non-BC (via software emu) Consoles Syscall 11 Cobra lv1 Peek PSNPatch stealth plugin support PS3MAPI support, allows you to attach process on both CEX/DEX via its own API app. NPDRM FSELF support (DEX only with debug vsh), allows you to attach process on both npdrm fself and non-drm fself by disabling Kakaroto’s sig patches in VSH. Backup Protection Removal, Add full PS3 Backup support on all multiMAN/webMAN,IRIS manager forks and Managunz. Target Manager 4.20-4.75 fully supported. Allow modification on Syscall 6/7/8/9/10. IMPROVED Stability with DEX mode, the annoying issue with hanging on boot on some old converted DEX models is fixed. Dual LV2 Kernels CEX/DEX Swap your EID0/LV2 kernel using Rebug Toolbox in seconds ALL Retail functions available in CEX mode No need to install different firmware ALL Debug functions available in DEX mode No need to install different firmware FULL ProDG Connectivity in DEX mode Full Support on both Normal mode and Cobra mode QA Token compatibility OtherOS++ support enabled Use Rebug Toolbox to Boot OtherOS with different LV1 patches Fake Save Data Owner Use Game Saves from ANY Owner In Game Screenshot Allows taking screenshots in Game, from in game XMB then PHOTO Enhanced Remote Play This unlocks the limitation of working apps/games for remote play Lock/Unlock Trophies (Offline only) Cinavia protection fully disabled Supports optical media/bd iso, AACS must be decrypted 1.43.02 MOD REBUG EDITION Full Webman intergration supports both CEX/DEX 4.75
INCLUDED: Rebug Package Manager Replacement for the standard Install Package Files option) Rebug Toolbox 02.02.06 Install included Rebug Toolbox or higher for full compatibility
PATCHED Appldr: LV2 memory hash check is disabled (Memory protection on LV2 is disabled in higher level) LV1: Disable System Integrity Check (Safe to use with mismatched COREOS/SYSCON versions or if PS3 is not QA enabled) LV1: Undocumented function 114 (Allow mapping of protected memory) LV1: Skip all ACL Checks (Needed to allow booting of OtherOS) LV1: Peek and Poke support (Unused LV1 call 182 and 183) LV2: Peek and Poke support (LV2 Syscall 6 and 7) LV2: Peek and Poke support for LV1 (LV2 Syscall 8 and 9) LV2: LV1 CALL System call (LV2 Syscall 10) Recovery: (Prevent accidental OFW update while on Recovery mode) VSH: (Allow Unsigned act.dat and *.rif files) VSH: (Disable Unlinking/Deleting of act.dat - (Improved patches applied) VSH: (Disable NEW PSP DRM Check on Unsigned PSP packages added on OFW 4.75) VSH: (Disable Epilepsy Warning for Faster Boot-Up Speed)