Вышло обновление для модифицированной прошивки 3.90 М33-2 Требования:
- Устанавливается на PSP с прошивкой 3.52 M33-3 и выше.
- Скопируйте папку UPDATE на PSP в папку /PSP/GAME/
- Если у вас не установлена 3.90, то скачайте официальную прошивку 3.90 и поместите в ту же папку, переименовав в "390.PBP".
Как вариант, вы можете произвести установку через wifi.
- Запустите и в конце процесса перезапустите PSP, нажав X или O.
- Improvements in plugins loading code:
* Fixed some problems with problematic cards due to filesystem not mounted.
* Now plugins should read the faster.
* Problem fixed with lines with spaces at the end.
- Added the rest of regions to the recovery option fakeregion.
- (PSP SLIM): Added patches in nand ipl to allow Booster multiiplloader and TimeMachine iplloader to boot from nand.
Note: only 3.90 M33-2 and higher can be booted from nand in slim with those ipl loaders,
not official Sony firmwares or previous versions of M33.
Changes in updater:
- The 3.90 eboot downloading code is now more stable, no more freezes after selecting AP
- Memory stick write in the 3.90 downloading code is delayed the maximum possible for faster operation
(the system prefers big chunks of data written at once).